Mini-Reprieve From “The Day Eaten By Locusts”

Well, today looked as though it were scheduled to be devoured by locusts, but rain has washed out some auto mechanicking (more brake work: do NOT do while raining, even if using synthetic brake fluids–just don’t :-)) and yard work. Oh, the rain’s let up, now and bright skies have at least dried up the driveway, so some car work’s possible, but yard work? Not when the ground’s this wet. Sweet.

Now for a sharp left turn into wonderland. Have you tasted any of this ambrosial concoction?

Oh! Heavens that’s good! 100% fat by calorie count (and a teeny smidge is a few calories indeed), but so’re margarine and butter. This stuff is seriously good stuff! Bacon. In a creamy good spread. Oh. My. OK, maybe I’ll get some of this instead, but I’ll not do it twice if it’s not as good as the original:

A grateful tip o’ the tam to Son&Heir for introducing me to BACONNAISE!

Hmmm, I wonder how it’d be as a base for fried locust dip?