
Friday, March 5, 2010, Hairy Eyeball Reid actually said,

I guess that “stimulus” package is working just like you’d hoped, Hairy. Of course, it’s done nothing to stimulate any sort of intelligence, human compassion or even simple common sense in you, you %$#@*!~ idiot pussbag. (I feel so much better for having raised the level of discourse several orders of magnitude above that set by Hairy Eyeball Reid.)

Multiple serial counseling sessions with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether are too good for this useless oxygen sink. (Apologies to other useless oxygen sinks for the insult of associating you with this worthless bag of puss..)

The Secret to Longevity

Washington D.C. is engaged in the biggest education project in the history of man. It is attempting to teach 300,000,000 Americans that paranoia is a skill; a skill that is the secret to a long life.

Don’t Challenge Me That Way

Over at Revelations From An Unwashed Brain, The Oracle issues this challenge:

By the end of 2010, Microsoft hopes to have Security Essentials in 87 countries and 33 languages. (Could you even name 33 distinct languages? I don’t think I could.)

Well, since you asked, here’s an off-the-top-o-my-head list:

English (duh), French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian, Russian, Georgian, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Welsh, Irish, Scots, Serbian, Albanian, Sardinian, Sicilian, Norman, Armenian, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Papuan, Maylay, Khmer, Hmong (well, the various Hmong dialects as a language group–some few Hmong live in a portion of America’s Third World County), Olelo Hawaii, Burmese, Arabic, Farsi… I think that should be well over the challenged 33 number, and if put to the test, I could (very) likely name a few more. These are just what few spring to mind.

Now, understand me well, I do not have facility in any but a very, very few of the number named, and what facility I have had in the past has waned with years’ disuse, but surely anyone who’s at all even moderately literate can come up with a similar list off the top of their heads. Surely.

Lying Racist Ratigan Implodes

Yeh, I’m calling Dylan Ratigan a racist. What’s he gonna do about it? He’s obsessed with the subject to the point of ranting in the face of a Tea Party punching bag he invited onto his show. If that’s not a racist, then the word has no meaning. Refused to alow his race-baiting questions to be answered, then accused his punching bag of refusing to answer the questions (that he himself refused to let the guy answer). Lying racist bastard.


Typical “out of the closet” Mass MEdia Podperson. As a Mass MEdia Podperson, he’s analogous to an Islamic terrorist. Where the Islamic terrorist is simply being open about his genuine discipleship of The Butcher of Medina, Dylan Ratigan is simply being open about his lying racism. The (almost) amusing thing about it is that he doesn’t even realizes he’s “outed” himself.

Important Essay at Eternity Road

Just go. Read.

A very, very brief snippet:

Culture is more than superficial differences in cuisine, music, dress, or even language, though that hits closer to the mark. It is the unknown, unexamined, unquestioned principles embedded so deeply into our souls that we do not know that they are there, guiding our behavior and our thoughts without us even knowing. America’s cultural roots are deep and ancient, far older than her silly little government and far and away more powerful.

I would submit to you that not only is this true, but it explains why the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade, politicians *spit* of nearly every stripe and Academia Nut Fruitcakes seek to, at best, subvert that culture and, optimally from their view, ultimately destroy it.

Curious Mysteries or Mysterious Curiosity?

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has
its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe
when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of
the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries
merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never
lose a holy curiosity.”–Albert Einstein