Muslim Man, Obama Donor, Arrested for Death Threat on Eric Cantor

Those peaceful Muslims again. Combine “peaceful Muslim” with “Obama donor” and you have the perfect Leftard:

Man arrested for threatening Cantor is an Obama donor, also threatened Holder and family

More typical as a Muslim than a Leftard, though, as he threatened not only a Repugnican’t congresscritter but an Attorney General *spit* who has done everything within his power to advance the cause of jihadis.

On second thought, Leftards aren’t well-known for avoiding such stupidities as threatening those with their aims at heart…

Now, although the guy was an Obama donor and is a Muslim, he’ll undoubtedly be characterized by the few Mass MEdia Podpeople who give the story more than two sentences as a “rigfht-wing extremist tea bagger”–anyone want to lay odds?

Computer Housekeeping–Backups

Since most readers here use some version of Windows, this will focus on backing up one’s computer using that platform–and rather narrowly, at that. (If you’re using a Linux distro, you are likely not even in need of any pointers, as that OS is still either used by slightly more sophisticated users or Great Aunt Tilly’s Ubuntu machine is managed by her geeky 12-year-old great niece. *heh* If you’re on a Mac, you’re stuck with the Time Machine straightjacket.)

Now, I’m generally a fan of making a drive image of a working OS and then updating it whenever serious OS updates come along, then just backing up one’s data–and darned near any strategy that keeps one’s data safe of fine with me. But I’m a particular fan of remote–and especially off site–backups. It just gives me a warm feeling knowing that if a tornado swooped down and swept my computer(s) away, I could reconstruct them from remote, offsite sources. That’s why backing things up to optical media or local network drives just isn’t enough for me. Sure, it’s great that a reasonable backup software (that includes basic disk imaging!) is now included in Windows 7, and even that Win7 Pro and Ultimate include backing up over a network. But I wanted more and I wanted it for free.

Answer? It appears that GFI Backup is my answer. I just performed an ftp backup of my Win7 machine to a folder on my domain easily and quickly using the software. Checked the zip file and all seems to be as it should be. I’ve not used the software to perform a restore from backup, yet, but since the contents of the backup are readable, it looks like it ought to be fine. If it doesn’t work, I’ll just come back here and say nasty things, ‘K? ๐Ÿ˜‰

There are other solutions out there, but a real backup placed on a reliable set of servers on my own domain by a software that can be scheduled to run, can run differential backups, etc., and cost me nothing? Well, that’s right up my alley.

For Win2K, WinXP, Vista and 7.

Oh, yeh. Also performs backups to local drives, local network drives, etc., in case one were to want that as well. ๐Ÿ™‚