A Very Good Thing

I don’t often plug things here at twc, but in the last few years (since escaping Fatcow), I have found Bluehost to be an excellent service. Some minor bobbles once upon a time, but, fortunately, customer service speaks AMERICAN ENGLISH and has always been available and helpful. If you’re looking for a hosting solution, click the graphic below.

New Joke from M$ for Windows Users

From Ryan Naraine of ZDNet, this funny:

This month’s batch of patches will NOT include a fix for the recent Internet Explorer vulnerability that was publicly discussed earlier this week. That vulnerability could allow attackers to run arbitrary code from a Web site if they could convince a user to visit the web page and then get them to press the F1 key in response to a pop up dialog box.

Microsoft has released Security Advisory 981169 with suggested pre-patch workarounds for affected IE users.

Hilarious. The M$ “Security Advisory” doesn’t, of course, issue the obvious (and effective) “fix” for the Internet Exploder vulnerability: DON’T USE INTERNET EXPLODER!

Oh, those jolly pranksters at Microsoft!