Human Achievement Hour

Instead of the fatuous (and dangerous!*) “Earth Hour” last Saturday, A Place to Stand suggested Human Achievement Hour, quite similar to Woody’s protest.

The lights were on here at twc central, but I must confess I had no thought of protesting Earth Hour. Everything was running because

1. I never shut down my Big Hawg (computer)
2. Some of my Wonder Woman’s family had come by after the wedding and reception and we spent the time visiting about important things (like our firecracker lil niece who charmed everyone in sight and was continuing to do so as we visited), instead of observing some wacko “Earth Hour” balderdash.

*Note: the linked “article” is a fable.

A Point of No Return?

I’ve said for some time now that The Ø! and his minions are behaving as if they have nothing to fear at the voting booth. Thomas Sowell points out one of the ways they have of fixing that problem… by “fixing” the balance of voters:

What will it matter if Obama’s current approval rating is below 50 percent among the current voting public, if he can ram through new legislation to create millions of new voters by granting citizenship to illegal immigrants? That can be enough to make him a two-term President, who can appoint enough Supreme Court justices to rubber-stamp further extensions of his power.

When all these newly minted citizens are rounded up on election night by ethnic organization activists and labor union supporters of the administration, that may be enough to salvage the Democrats’ control of Congress as well.

The last opportunity that current American citizens may have to determine who will control Congress may well be the election in November of this year. Off-year elections don’t usually bring out as many voters as Presidential election years. But the 2010 election may be the last chance to halt the dismantling of America. It can be the point of no return.

It’s more important than ever that people who care about the rule of law (as opposed to The Ø! and his minions’ unconstitutional outlawry) to work harder than ever before against any amnesty plan for alien invaders.