The Best Is Yet to Come

Lovely Daughter’s wedding is two weeks from today. She has made a mix CD of songs for the wedding reception afterwards, and one–“The Best Is Yet To Come” as sung by Michael Buble (nice, just, I dunno, a certain je ne sais quoi)–begged me to post a clip of this version of the song as performed by Frank Sinatra with Count Basie And His Orchestra on the album, Nothing But the Best. It’s barely more than 30 seconds–about what Amazon lets folks sample–so go pick up a 99 cent download for yourself.

[audio:The Best Is Yet To Come-Frank Sinatra-clip.mp3]

Stolen Wisdom

From Neanderpundit, after Arthur C. Clarke’s famous aphorism*,

“Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is virtually indistinguishable from Malice”

Amen. I shall forever after associate these words of wisdom with congresscritters, Mass MEdia Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, remote educrats and pubschool administrators, the inhabitants of the “Half-Caff/Decaf Café au Lait (with a twist) House” and “feddle gummint bureaucraps and persecutors”.

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