Lying Racist Ratigan Implodes

Yeh, I’m calling Dylan Ratigan a racist. What’s he gonna do about it? He’s obsessed with the subject to the point of ranting in the face of a Tea Party punching bag he invited onto his show. If that’s not a racist, then the word has no meaning. Refused to alow his race-baiting questions to be answered, then accused his punching bag of refusing to answer the questions (that he himself refused to let the guy answer). Lying racist bastard.

Typical “out of the closet” Mass MEdia Podperson. As a Mass MEdia Podperson, he’s analogous to an Islamic terrorist. Where the Islamic terrorist is simply being open about his genuine discipleship of The Butcher of Medina, Dylan Ratigan is simply being open about his lying racism. The (almost) amusing thing about it is that he doesn’t even realizes he’s “outed” himself.

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