Those peaceful Muslims again. Combine “peaceful Muslim” with “Obama donor” and you have the perfect Leftard:
Man arrested for threatening Cantor is an Obama donor, also threatened Holder and family
More typical as a Muslim than a Leftard, though, as he threatened not only a Repugnican’t congresscritter but an Attorney General *spit* who has done everything within his power to advance the cause of jihadis.
On second thought, Leftards aren’t well-known for avoiding such stupidities as threatening those with their aims at heart…
Now, although the guy was an Obama donor and is a Muslim, he’ll undoubtedly be characterized by the few Mass MEdia Podpeople who give the story more than two sentences as a “rigfht-wing extremist tea bagger”–anyone want to lay odds?
I can’t remember which blog I read that had a list, a rather long list, of folks who had done a violent act and were characterized by the media as right wing conservatives or tea baggers only to find these folks were Obamites. It might have been Rhymes with Right, just not sure.