New Joke from M$ for Windows Users

From Ryan Naraine of ZDNet, this funny:

This month’s batch of patches will NOT include a fix for the recent Internet Explorer vulnerability that was publicly discussed earlier this week. That vulnerability could allow attackers to run arbitrary code from a Web site if they could convince a user to visit the web page and then get them to press the F1 key in response to a pop up dialog box.

Microsoft has released Security Advisory 981169 with suggested pre-patch workarounds for affected IE users.

Hilarious. The M$ “Security Advisory” doesn’t, of course, issue the obvious (and effective) “fix” for the Internet Exploder vulnerability: DON’T USE INTERNET EXPLODER!

Oh, those jolly pranksters at Microsoft!

2 Replies to “New Joke from M$ for Windows Users”

  1. The real question, as you pointed out, is why anyone would waste time with Internet Exterminator when they could have a nice little firefox running around.

    Swapped to the ‘fox a long time ago and haven’t looked back. Worth it for the popup blockers and lack of crashes alone…particularly for those of us who regularly browse with >5 windows open simultaneously. (On the ‘net alone…if I have fewer than a dozen windows of various kinds open at any given moment, it’s either a really slow day or I’m gaming.)

    1. RY, the ‘fox is OK for those days I don’t want to have real control over my browsing. Otherwise, I find Opera (the 10.5 Beta version is rock solid; only reason it’s still beta is that Opera’s fine-tuning and adding features) to be a superior browser. But Firefox is certainly OK. One can certainly add on accessories to make it nearly as useful as Opera is right “out of the box” as it were, and it’s DEFINITELY at least an order of magnitude better than using IE. I still have IE on my Win7 box, but the title bar reads, “Internet Exploder 8: sucks less than previous versions”. Or, at least it did a couple of months ago when I fired it up for testing.

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