Linux: Gottaloveit

It’s been a little over four months since I move nearly all my Windows use over to virtual machines running on an Ubuntu 8.04 box, and despite numerous big and little “gotchas” along the way, it’s been a Good Thing. In fact, now that more and more WINE issues seem to clear up with every recent WINE update, I rarely need to start any of the Windows VMs, apart from checking “CLICK paths” for other users I’m walking through Windows issues over the phone or via email (I still prefer to simply log onto a remote session on someone’s computer to walk through issues, instead of phone/email).

One of the nicest things about the all-Linux, all the time experience has been the security aspect. The built in firewall has performed as well at online security-probing sites as highly intrusive, third party Windows firewall powerhouses have performed, and although I installed ClamAV (not active protection like most Windows AVs), neither its on-demand scanner nor such places as Trendmicro’s Housecall have found any infections.

Get that: no active defense, as is recommended for Windows computers, but also no infestations of malware.

I attribute that to several things. First, Ubuntu is designed to NOT run in admin (or root privileges) mode, as most Windows computers are by default. Installing software, changing system parameters, etc., all require the user to specifically, manually input the root password, so if I were to have malware installed, it’d almost surely have been installed with my witting participation, and that’s not likely at all, at all.

Then there’s the fact that few malware authors want to invade such an admittedly small target population. (That’s one of the security advantages of the Mac platform, BTW: small target.)

Then there’s my choice of browser. (note: Opera recently had a security issue that affected all OS platforms, but was corrected in a 24-hour period. Compare that to security issues that’ve been outstanding for YEAS in Internet Exploder.) No kudos to Ubuntu for that, of course, but I do like the more secure (than IE or even Firefox, AFAIK) browsing experience. (For even more security enhancement, I’ll sometimes run OperaTOR from a flash drive. The Windows version runs Just Fine in Linux using WINE.)

And, of course, I can’t ascribe merit to Ubuntu for avoiding infections I’d not succomb to in any OS–I do not, for example, invoke email attachments from ANYONE unless I expect the attachment AND I manually scan it with an up-to-date anti-virus.

So, if you’d like to ditch your power-sucking vampire of a security suite, Ubuntu–or Linux in general–seems to be the ticket. (And yes, I know BSD offers even more security, as reported by many, but right now, its GUI options and software selection, even though it can run most ‘nix apps, is just slightly south of what I find in Ubuntu Linux–just slightly.)

For y’all who’re still wearing the Me$$y$oft ball and chain, why not give Wubi a try? It’s an easy-peasy way to install Ubuntu in a Windows folder. I’ve not had any problems installing/uninstalling Ubuntu using Wubi on any of a number of computers here at twc central, but do read the FAQ at the Wubi site. Heck, it even uses the Windows bootloader to boot into Ubuntu and is uninstallable using Windows’ Add/Remove Programs.

Or install VMWare Server and try running Ubuntu in a VM in Windows. You might just like it enough to ditch Windows entirely on your next computer build/purchase.

Update: savvy users are already aware of such things as “Clickjacking”–a type of browser hijacking allowing “an attacker to use one or more of several new attack scenarios to literally steal your mouse clicks.” It’s a set of malware techniques that all browsers in all OSes can be vulnerable to, although Linux still is more difficult to attack via clickjackig methods. Still, by disabling javascript and a few other lil content goodies, along with iFrames, Opera is safer than most, and still allows one to use javascript, et al, for any trusted site by simply setting Site Preferences to allow ’em for any one given “trusted site”. Granular controls: a Very Good Thing.

Who Is Barry Soetoro?

As I have said before, I do not know if there’s a fire just because there seems to be some smoke to the question of Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey’s citizenship, but since The One refuses to release a certified copy of his birth certificate, it’s no wonder folks continue to have questions.

The question about Obama’s citizenship–who knows the answer? Apparently Obama does, but he’s not saying. Why?

Trackposted to Mark My Words, , , Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Trout in the Milk?

Of course, circumstantial evidence isn’t equivalent with being caught red-handed, but if there’s a trout in the milk, one may be safe in assuming the milk’s been adulterated, eh?

I’ve noted before that The Obamassiah’s long alliances (not mere association) with communists, terrorists and folks who express open hated of America are obvious disqualifiers for any public office, let alone the presidency, but that’s all in the past, as he might say: some guy he knew when he was a youth (whom he has described as greatly influential on his own belief/value system); another guy he saw around in his neighborhood (who got him his first big-time job out of law school and to whom he funneled millions of dollars for his radical “education” initiatives); some preacher (who was The One’s pastor for 20+ years and whom The One described as his spiritual mentor), some “community group” he’s had dealings with in the past (ACORN–the bigtime vote fraud group, a subsidiary of which the Obama campaign has paid $800,000 for “get out the vote” efforts).

All in the past. Nothing to do with now or future plans, right?

But there’s a trout in the milk, folks. Every single solitary proposal that is a constant amid the forest of Obama hand-waving is right out of the Frank Marshall Davis/Jeremiah Wright/William Ayers playbook. If all these people who were identified as Obama himself as influencing his values, with whom he worked for years are not still influencing his policies and procedures, then why does everything he proposes sound like and agree with their viewpoints?

Just wondering if we can catch and fry up that trout…

Hammer away on the theme articulated by Dick Morris:

“Rezko was his financial adviser, Wright was his spiritual adviser, and the guy who gave him his first job used to blow up government buildings.”

Trackposted to Mark My Words, , , Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Opinions: Everybody’s Got One

But not all opinions are equal, regardless the opinion that many express to the contrary.

To mangle an otherwise perfectly fine comment by a character in a James Doohan/S. M. Stirling novel, Ah, Congress, “…[w]here mountains of supposition are constructed from molehills of [mis]information and presented as incontrovertible fact.”


Let me back up to the question of authority. There are three basic types of authority: divine (whether modern pagan humanists recognize it or not), natural and constructed.

Setting aside divine authority, for most humans–apart from the proclamations of The Church of Anthropogenic Global Waming nutjobs and satanic phony “Christian” pastors and their siblings in other cults–do not presume to possess divine authority, I’d like to briefly address the other two classes.

Continue reading “Opinions: Everybody’s Got One”

Birds of a Feather II

I’ve been mentioning to “real world” contacts for some time–especially those lazy dunderheads who claim to be “undecided voters”–the connections between The Obamassiah and radical communists/leftist agitators Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky and jihadist-sympathizer and racial agitator, Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour (a/k/a Donald Warden), but Democrat=Socialist has noted Obama-Raila Odinga ties I had not considered before. (I’ll get back to the commies and the jihadist in a bit, out of order in Birds III.)

Click through to the link above for the YouTube video D=S has posted. Watch. Come on back and see below the fold.

Continue reading “Birds of a Feather II”

Birds of a Feather

A good introduction to one of Obama’s questionable associations.

Ask yourself: what do Obama’s past associations indicate about what kind of people he would tend to appoint to positions of power and influence? Look at the Alinsky methods of societal reform in which Obama is thoroughly schooled and ask if the goals and methods of such organizations as ACORN–with whom Obama has a long working relationship which he now claims he has not had–are what you want to see operating from the highest office in the land.

From the Baltimore Sun, letter to the editor, October 5, 2008:

Let’s quickly review ACORN’s recent history related to voter fraud: In July 2007, ACORN settled the largest case of voter fraud in the history of Washington state. Seven ACORN volunteers had submitted nearly 2,000 bogus voter registration forms.

Three ACORN hoaxers pleaded guilty to voter fraud last October. A King County, Wash., prosecutor called the group’s behavior “an act of vandalism upon the voter rolls.”

The group’s activity in Washington state is not isolated. ACORN has been implicated in similar voter fraud schemes in 14 other states.

In March, Philadelphia elections officials accused the leftist pressure group of filing fraudulent voter registrations in advance of the April 22 Pennsylvania primary. The charges are pending before the city district attorney’s office.

Also see here and here.

Obama: endorsed by the CPUSA for a reason

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Speaking the Unspeakable

OK, someone has to say it: Anyone who is undecided at this point about who to vote for come November for Senator, Representative or President is an idiot or profoundly lazy or both.

Local races could be either easier or harder to decide, but the national offices? [Assuming–a radical and possibly unwarranted assumption–voters have the basic intellectual capabilities to do their homework on candidates and issues] Either folks have been doing their due diligence and studying the candidates and issues or they’ve been slacking off and don’t really deserve the franchise at all.

There. Now I’ve said that the “Emperor of the Undecided Electorate” is walking around in blissful, lazy, naked cluelessness can we move on to a discussion about how to alleviate the problem of stupid, lazy, dumbass so-called “undecided voters”? (Personally, I think a quick civics exam at the polling place followed by handing those that don’t pass a ballot that WILL NOT PROCESS is a good place to start…)

More Meaningless BS From the Hivemind

According to a group of pedantic poo-bahs, Governor Palin “…spoke at a more than ninth-grade level and Sen. Joseph Biden spoke at a nearly eighth-grade level in Thursday night’s debate between the vice presidential candidates.”

The same group that rated her comments at a grade level of 9.5 and Biden’s at a grade level of 7.8 also put her penultimate sentence “at a grade level of 18.3” (several “grade levels” shy of the reading level of the inhabitants of twc central*–and yeh, the CNN report did NOT use the word “penultimate,” choosing instead the awkward, dumbed down and wordier, “second-to-last” formulation… no doubt in recognition of the subliteracy of CNN’s usual readership/viewership. Either that or the writer didn’t know the word “penultimate”–another distinct possibility).

Oh, *yawn* Put Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Mass Media Podpeople together and this is what usually results: stupid yammering.

Continue reading “More Meaningless BS From the Hivemind”

You say “Po-tay-to,” I Say “Po-tah-to”…

…let’s call the whole thing off, eh?

I’ve not made a big deal of this in the past, but this is interesting, to say the least. (h.t., America’s Right via Walls of the City) Apparently, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania is allowing the suit by Phillip J. Berg challenging The One’s constitutional qualification to stand for office to… proceed.

(Click the pic for larger view)

You can download or read the entire thing here.

This may seem a bit far-fetched, but what if? What if the Dhimmicraps have nominated a man for the highest office in the land who is not even qualified to serve under the qulaifications lined out in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution? What shall we make of the court ordering Obama to produce his birth certificate, his certificate of citizenship and his oath of allegiance? (If he actually does produce the latter, wouldn’t it “automagically” prove Berg’s case? That is, wouldn’t that demonstrate Obama’s naturalization? Hmm, further reading on Citizenship matters reveals that speculation was hasty. Still, waiting on Obama’s response to the court order. Is he going to attempt “Kerrying” it?)

Hmm, it would seem the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind is silent on this one… of course.

Trackposted to Blog @, , The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, NN&V, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Nightmare Scenario

Suppose Obama-Biden were to succeed in winning election.

OK, that’s nightmare enough: a flaming Marxist, serial liar, zero accomplishment junior Senator from Dirty Politics Central as President of the United States.

But even worse: suppose–God forbid–something were to happen to incapacitate The Obamassiah? We’d be stuck with Dumbass Blowhard Joe as Chief Exec. *shudder* A fate worse than Dhimmi Katah.

Now, flip that. Suppose McCain-Palin were to succeed. Suppose further that something–God forbid–were to happen to incapacitate John McCain.

*Ahhh* Sarah Palin as president? Color me a happy camper. She’d not necessarily be as good at the job as four or five local folks I know would be, but she’d be immensely better than anyone else on the horizon. Hey! And maybe she’d be able to convince Bobby Jindal to come on board as veep. Not wishing John McCain ill, but frankly the wrong person’s at the top of the ticket.

(Of course, on the Dhimmicrappic side, there’s no right person on the ticket at all, so McCain’s the better choice even all on his lonesome. :-))