“Stupid Racists for Obama”

I’d heard about this, but I found the video over at Woody’s Place (actually, it’s just an audio with a pic of Howard Stern).

There you go folks. A significant portion of The Obamassiah’s support is… stupid people who’re voting for him just because he’s black. IOW, Dumbass racists.

Who’d-a thunk it, eh?

“Poured from a horse?”

Most manufactured American beers are better used poured back into the horse they came out of. Small–and a few mid-sized–American brewers often make some very, very good beers. Boulevard Brewing, Sam Adams and others make some beers that are oh so very drinkable. But, cruising through my fav package store the other day, I saw a “craft beer” collection offered by Michelob and thought to give it a try. After all, Michelob makes one of the less bad manufactured American beers, so giving it a fair drinking on its proferred “craft beer” selection seemed a fair thing to do.

So far, the stout is… almost. On the lower end of drinkable, but still drinkable. The lager in the collection? Not as good as Grolsch or others, but not poured straight out of a horse, either. The pale ale offering? Not bad at all. Nice and hopsy, drinkable. Not anywhere near good enough to make the top 25 drinkable beers I have tried, but again, not poured straight from the horse.

I doubt I’ll try any of these again, but the money wasn’t totally wasted, either. I got some nice bottles to save for bottling the “hobo wine” I have started in my lil “kitty litter” fermenter. 🙂 Oh, yes, that does mean that if I’m not using some of my collection of Grolsch swingtops I’ll have to buy a bottle capper. Oh, dear? Another brewing tool? How awful! *heh*

“I have a dream… “

No, not that one (although, it would be nice if The Obamassiah shared that dream instead of the racist dreams he apparently has). I have a small dream, and not the one of a restoration of the Founders’ Constitutional Republic, either. But before my small dream (OK, daydream, fantasy, whatever), this, found at Stop the ACLU:

That’s right. Obama was talking openly of taking from white folks to give to black folks as his “wealth redistribution plan” at least as far back as 1995 (while he was serving on the board of the Woods Fund with the openly “proud” communist terrorist, Bill Ayers).

Now, my daydream?

1. Obama goes down hard on November 4. Shows his true colors as a race-baiter and incites and encourages black violence.
2. Tony Rezko, singing like a canary, implicates The One in his crimes and an indictment is lodged.
3. The FEC finally gets off its hinky fundament and performs its due dilligence, discovers over half of The One’s fundraising was from illegal sources, in illegal aggregate amounts, etc. Indictments follow.
4. Philip Berg’s fraud case against The One finally gains traction and facts show Obama has not been an American citizen at any time in his life. He’s arrested as an illegal alien, his wealth is tied up in the fraud case and
5. All these charges are upheld, convictions won, case for fraud won by Berg (wiping out Obama’s millions in restitution to defrauded legal contributors).
6. A penniless, disgraced Obama, headed for the federal lockup and then deportation after serving his sentences is offered mercy by a benevolent McCain: commutation of his sentences in return for service to the country he has defrauded and attempted to destroy. All sentences held in abeyance as long as Obama never sets foot in the US again, never interferes in US politics or foreign policy or in any other way, shape, fashion or form performs acts which have an impact on the welfare of the US.

Well, a guy can (day)dream, can’t he? The fact that the consequences of The Obamassiah’s duplicitous behavior will certainly not all come home to roost is almost sure. But

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Galatians 6:7

Go God!


Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Cao’s Blog, NN&V, and McCain Blogs, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.