Nightmare Scenario

Suppose Obama-Biden were to succeed in winning election.

OK, that’s nightmare enough: a flaming Marxist, serial liar, zero accomplishment junior Senator from Dirty Politics Central as President of the United States.

But even worse: suppose–God forbid–something were to happen to incapacitate The Obamassiah? We’d be stuck with Dumbass Blowhard Joe as Chief Exec. *shudder* A fate worse than Dhimmi Katah.

Now, flip that. Suppose McCain-Palin were to succeed. Suppose further that something–God forbid–were to happen to incapacitate John McCain.

*Ahhh* Sarah Palin as president? Color me a happy camper. She’d not necessarily be as good at the job as four or five local folks I know would be, but she’d be immensely better than anyone else on the horizon. Hey! And maybe she’d be able to convince Bobby Jindal to come on board as veep. Not wishing John McCain ill, but frankly the wrong person’s at the top of the ticket.

(Of course, on the Dhimmicrappic side, there’s no right person on the ticket at all, so McCain’s the better choice even all on his lonesome. :-))

2 Replies to “Nightmare Scenario”

  1. “Not wishing John McCain ill, but frankly the wrong person’s at the top of the ticket.”

    I’d have to agree, maybe she’d get Fred Thompson to be in the Cabinet…

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