The 3rd Debate


I keep leaving the room, because, although McWhatsisname is finally throwing some punches–finally!–they’re mostly sissy punches, and The Obamassiah? *sheesh!* All he has to do it open his mouth to let the lies fly. “Joe the Plumber”? Lie. Ayers? Lie. Acorn? Lie. Taxes? Lie. Health care? Lie. How great is Joe Biden? Lie. His actual record in Illinois senate of voting against born alive health care (for children who survive abortion)? Lie, lie, lie. (Hint to dumbasses who believe this snake: IT’S IN THE RECORD!)

Not one honest thing has proceeded from Obama’s pie hole so far, save for the times the camera caught him nodding in agreement with McWhatsisname. *heh*

Every single defense (Joe the Plumber incident, taxes, Ayers, Acorn, etc.) that The One has made is directly contradicted by facts on record. BUT, will that matter in the long run? Probably not, because the American sheeple are too damned stupid and intellectually lazy to do their own homework, AND rely on the in-the-tank-for-THE ONE Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind to tell them how to vote.

And folks, the sheeple are in the majority by a very long way.

Our only hope is that November 4th will be a day of bad weather in the “Blue States”.

Pray for rain. And snow. And high winds.


Because sheeple are “afeared” of such things.

Uniquely Weird

OK, so maybe I bore easily.

Noodling around for a solution to dual boot Son&Heir’s XBox, I found and downloaded “Damn Small Linux” in several flavors for the heck of it. Unpacked the “DSL-embedded” version, ran dsl-base.bat using WINE and…

QEMU/Knoppix bootloader brought up a DSL live session.


Next: VMWare Server and an actual installation (VM install, of course) of the OS.

Why not? After all my years of parsimonious hard drive space allocation, I find it pleasuable to cut another 8-10GiB out of the herd to install yet another VM. 😉

OK, installed and running, now. Hmmm, it’s “as OK” as the QEMU “ermbedded” version. As always, the Dillo browser sucks dead bunnies through a straw, but since I installed this version in a VM, installing another browser is a trivial task. Oh, I see Firefox is available. It’s not bad, but since I set this up to run in an 800X600 window, Firefox just Will Not Do (Firefox sort of enlarges fonts, etc., but does a crappy job of it).

Not as slick as Puppy Linux, save for its auto-configuration of network resources, but I can see where it’d be very useful for folks with older computers, and in fact I may install this on some old Pentium or Pentium II computer laying around here at twc central. Pretty nice. Probably won’t keep this VM around any longer than it takes me to become familiar with the DSL GUI, but it’s a nice, lean OS from wht I’ve seen thus far.

OK, for more OS-ey fun, I decided to “upgrade” VMWare Server to version 2, since the thing’s been nagging me to do so. 503MiB download. No console any more, just a browser management window that requires me to do some funky stuff like download a plugin to make the thing work. *feh* Took a perfectly workable console and screwed it up. Oh, things still run mostly OK, but some features are missing (where’s my sound? USB? Heck, where’s shared input between host and client? Screw thi silly “CTRL+ALT to release the mouse/keyboard, and no cur n paste between host and client? It’s all gotta be there somewhere… ) and it’s a darned sight clunkier than the old console. Oh. Well. That’s progress, I suppose.

How many “uninsured” are there, really?

Note: I am NOT going to link to the facts below. Why? Because unless you do your own digging to either verify or attempt to prove this post a bunch of hot air, you’ll never learn for yourself. This is an issue it’s important to get right, and anyone reading this who doesn’t care to do their own homework is simply a part of the problem. So there. Besides, I got all the info I needed from a few clicks: a google search and a search of US Census reports. It’s so easy a Geico commercial would be harder. *heh*

The “47 million uninsured” meme has been bruited about so much, and without specific all too often, that I begin to wonder if the spirit of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels isn’t infusing the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind.

First, subtract from that inflated number at least 10 million illegals Obama and the Dhimmicraps want us to pay for. Those folks should be denied ALL health care save for genuine and extemely urgent and life-threatening emergencies. Period. Without exception. Let them go back whence they came, get in line and enter the country legally, and then maybe social services of ANY kind might be properly made available to them.

That’d whittle the leftards’ and Hivemind’s number down to around 37 million right there.

Now, subtract the number of folks making over $50,000 a year who are just too cheap to buy their own insurance. How many? About 17 million.

Oops. We’re down to less than half the brutal numbers leftards are whining about.

But the hits keep on coming: according to the Congressional Budget Office, between 40% and 50% of “uninsured” are transitory uninsured who are simply between coverages. Yep. Within three months or so, nearly half the “uninsured” at any one point are simply on their way to different coverage.

Now, we’re down to the 8-13 million the Kaiser Foundation estimates to be the range of those who are uninsured and unlikely to be able to afford their own insurance.

So the next time you hear an Obamaniac or other leftard weep and wail and gnash their teeth over the need to take YOUR money and use it to provide health coverage for illegal aliens, deadbeats or folks who are simply between coverages, just blow ’em a big fat raspberry.