I Really, REALLY Need to Get Off My Lazy Butt…

I just wasted a few minutes goofing off over at the Computer Hope website taking a quiz. Yes, I guessed on four or five questions (although since it was multiple choice, even there I eliminated all but two of four answers and only had to mentally flip coins between two options each time). I’m rather disappointed with my score:

I really prefer sauntering to the front of the class and saying to the prof, “Here’s your key,” but oh, well. Better luck next time.

Beautiful Nonsense

This post is entirely out of order, a “response” to a post one of the voices in my head has scheduled for posting tomorrow. (And “they” say I’m crazy. They’re the ones who’re in my head! :-))

First, what I think (and hope!) is a one-minute fair use excerpt of Bryn Terfel singing a piece of beautiful nonsense powerfully and beautifully:

(Or CLICK HERE and play with your own media player)

Sure, it’s nonsense. A paean to a shade tree. Trivial lyrics. So? Unlike the nonsense songs that are common top 40 fare, it’s at least

a. beautiful music
b. beautifully performed and
c. the lyrics are not actively harmful

Those are all hallmarks of a really good song. And those are all things missing, by and large, from popular music today. I wonder why?

Go buy and listen to some Terfel of your own. It’ll be good for you.

(Completely inconsequential, niggling complaints after the jump.)

Continue reading “Beautiful Nonsense”

I Don’t Know; Do You?

No, you don’t, and neither does the Democratic Party.

What do both you and the Democratic Party not know? Whether the Democratic candidate for the presidency is an illegal alien or not. The difference is that while you and I do not know the answer to this question, we might care about whether Barry Obama-Soetoro is actually Constitutionally qualified to serve as President. OTOH, the Democratic Party just doesn’t give a damn.

NOTE: I am NOT asserting that Barry Obama-Soetoro IS an illegal alien and thus disqualified from serving as a senator, let alone president. What I am saying is that, due to Barry Obama-Soetoro’s stonewalling, I just do not know.

Once again,

Inquiring minds want to know, Barry: Is your paternal grandmother (who says she was present at your birth in Kenya) a liar? Were you a juvenile delinquent, participating in a fraud perpetrated upon the government of Indonesia? What?


Reflections on a Category B Personality Disorder

Note: Although I dislike reading “stream of consciousness” crap, I seem to write the stuff easily enough. Witness the SoC jumble below. *heh*

With a little distance from last night’s “debate” (I still avoid thinking of such an event as an actual debate) Barry Hussein Soetoro/Obama kept reminding me of something… now what was it exactly? Oh, that’s right: DSM-IV, Cluster B: Narcissistic personality disorder: “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy”. More specifically, he reminded me, with his consistent pattern of lies designed to do nothing but avoid facing up to his alliances with those who hate America, his hunger for the blood of children*, etc., even more of a once-proposed subcategory of narcissistic personality disorder: evil.

In “People of the Lie, The Hope For Healing Human Evil,” M. Scott Peck proposes a means of discerning human evil that is remarkably simple for those who have eyes, ears, a functioning brain and that ineffable, almost indefinable sense of revulsion when in the presence of human evil. Ah, but it is that last that is often so difficult to come by nowadays, because our sensibility to evil is now so blunted by its daily occurrence in our lives. McCain apparently cannot recognize it; he calls Obama, “a good man” with no obvious flinching.

But what did Peck say about human evil that reminds me so much of Obama in particular? That, “…lying is both a cause and a manifestation of evil. It is partly by their lying that we recognize the evil.” Massive coverups, deceptions and active attacks upon those who speak the truth: these are all hallmarks of human evil as described by Peck. In fact, as Peck develops the theme, one can see an image emerge, a Portrait of the Politician as a Young Man, as it were, firming up to reveal the mature evil: Barry Obama-Soetoro.

Yes, evil. He simply cannot open his mouth without lying. And not just any lies but lies designed to do one thing: puff up his image and protect his false image from truth, no matter the cost to others. In fact, the more it costs others, the more valuable the lie seems to him.

Now, do I think Peck dived off the deep end in his proposal of human evil as a psychological disorder? Well, yes. Peck is apparently unable to think in any terms but his psychological framwork and so posits everything inside that. Still, his points are well taken. If Barry wins this election, one thing I’d suggest is that you go out and find a copy of Peck’s “People of the Lie” and read it. That way you’ll be able to read a more perceptive “biography” of “President Obama” than any collection of lies he approves about himself.

*Hey! If he can lie about voting against protecting children who survive abortions, I can characterize his votes and lies any damned way I want.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, , Conservative Cat, and Walls of the City, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Google Chrome? Yes and No

Not quite Google Chrome. I tried out the still buggy and full of security holes Google Chrome when it came out and thought, “Well, this might be a browser option someday, but it’s not my cuppa right now.” Perri Nelson noted some issues and features, and although I didn’t give it quite as much attention as he did at the time, I agreed that it was pretty good. Lovely Daughter tried it out on her lil XP Home Sony notebook and liked it.

Noodling around, trying to get the taste of McWhatsisname whimping out in “debate” number 3 out of my mouth, I stumbled across Codeweaver’s offering of “a Mac and Linux port of the open source Chromium web browser.” Hmm, thought I, isn’t Chromium from the same code base as Google Chrome? Nope. It is the code base of Google Chrome.

Sooo, downloaded and installed Codeweaver’s free “port” of the Chromium browser. (Codeweaver is a company making money off WINE technology by extensively testing and tweaking a WINE core to ensure compatibility with specific Windows products. It’s a Good Thing.)

Nice. Slick. My memory of Google Chrome running in a Windows XP Pro VM isn’t as pleasant as this browser (apparently the same browser, just a few rough edges smoothed over). Still not ready for prime time for my use, but it looks very, very promising. Some buggy behavior (a graphic artifact–“connecting…” indicating a site loading–showing up over my use of a different browser to write this post is annoying), but I still kinda like it. I’ll be checking back to see what comes of Chromium/Chrome in the future.

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