More Meaningless BS From the Hivemind

According to a group of pedantic poo-bahs, Governor Palin “…spoke at a more than ninth-grade level and Sen. Joseph Biden spoke at a nearly eighth-grade level in Thursday night’s debate between the vice presidential candidates.”

The same group that rated her comments at a grade level of 9.5 and Biden’s at a grade level of 7.8 also put her penultimate sentence “at a grade level of 18.3” (several “grade levels” shy of the reading level of the inhabitants of twc central*–and yeh, the CNN report did NOT use the word “penultimate,” choosing instead the awkward, dumbed down and wordier, “second-to-last” formulation… no doubt in recognition of the subliteracy of CNN’s usual readership/viewership. Either that or the writer didn’t know the word “penultimate”–another distinct possibility).

Oh, *yawn* Put Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Mass Media Podpeople together and this is what usually results: stupid yammering.

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You say “Po-tay-to,” I Say “Po-tah-to”…

…let’s call the whole thing off, eh?

I’ve not made a big deal of this in the past, but this is interesting, to say the least. (h.t., America’s Right via Walls of the City) Apparently, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania is allowing the suit by Phillip J. Berg challenging The One’s constitutional qualification to stand for office to… proceed.

(Click the pic for larger view)

You can download or read the entire thing here.

This may seem a bit far-fetched, but what if? What if the Dhimmicraps have nominated a man for the highest office in the land who is not even qualified to serve under the qulaifications lined out in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution? What shall we make of the court ordering Obama to produce his birth certificate, his certificate of citizenship and his oath of allegiance? (If he actually does produce the latter, wouldn’t it “automagically” prove Berg’s case? That is, wouldn’t that demonstrate Obama’s naturalization? Hmm, further reading on Citizenship matters reveals that speculation was hasty. Still, waiting on Obama’s response to the court order. Is he going to attempt “Kerrying” it?)

Hmm, it would seem the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind is silent on this one… of course.

Trackposted to Blog @, , The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, NN&V, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.