The 3rd Debate


I keep leaving the room, because, although McWhatsisname is finally throwing some punches–finally!–they’re mostly sissy punches, and The Obamassiah? *sheesh!* All he has to do it open his mouth to let the lies fly. “Joe the Plumber”? Lie. Ayers? Lie. Acorn? Lie. Taxes? Lie. Health care? Lie. How great is Joe Biden? Lie. His actual record in Illinois senate of voting against born alive health care (for children who survive abortion)? Lie, lie, lie. (Hint to dumbasses who believe this snake: IT’S IN THE RECORD!)

Not one honest thing has proceeded from Obama’s pie hole so far, save for the times the camera caught him nodding in agreement with McWhatsisname. *heh*

Every single defense (Joe the Plumber incident, taxes, Ayers, Acorn, etc.) that The One has made is directly contradicted by facts on record. BUT, will that matter in the long run? Probably not, because the American sheeple are too damned stupid and intellectually lazy to do their own homework, AND rely on the in-the-tank-for-THE ONE Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind to tell them how to vote.

And folks, the sheeple are in the majority by a very long way.

Our only hope is that November 4th will be a day of bad weather in the “Blue States”.

Pray for rain. And snow. And high winds.


Because sheeple are “afeared” of such things.

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