
Ya know, instant cappuccino mixes are just a way to gull the, well, gullible into drinking instant *spit* “coffee” dontcha?

(I’m going on the road tomorrow, so don’t let the timestamp fool ya into thinking I’m here. I preposted Friday and Saturday. I’ll check my moderation queue for trackbacks to this weekend’s linkfest when I’m around a computer.)

3 Replies to “Suckers!”

  1. If it says “just add water” and it contains more than fresh-ground coffee beans (preferably more than beans ground less than five minutes ago – yeah, I’m a snob) – it ain’t coffee. And it ain’t worth drinkin’

    I tried a capuccino “mix” once – thinking it couldn’t possibly be as foul as instant coffee.

    I was wrong.

  2. Those are gross!! That’s why I’m loving those capuccino pods for my Senseo (a free promo thing but I love that thing now). Real coffee, real easy…. cheaper than Starbucks….. yeah.

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