Drive-by post: “I hope this is just a coincidence… “

During my sometimes-usual Friday check of TTLB and others (been more often recently since someone pointed an anomalous rapid change over at TTLB–anomalous enough to be interesting, at least), I noticed something that’s had me back every day since. One of those morbid fascination things…

Since at least last Friday, it seems the Democratic Underground and twc have been trading places in the TTLB rankings.

Of course, it doesn’t mean much of anything. I can count several dead blogs (and one not-a-blog-at-all) on the same screen, so I can tell myself, “Being ranked right next to the DUhs doesn’t mean anything, not anything at all… ”

And if I say it often enough, it starts to make sense.


“Hu-what?”-ing over at The Bullwinkle Blog

Guard the Borders

By Heidi at Euphoric Reality

For a long time here at GTB, we have focused on the tsunami of humanity that flows over our southern border from Mexico. Mexicans, by far, are the largest group of illegals inside our borders, and their open agenda of Reconquista has place tax-funded groups like La Raza, MEChA, and LULAC under the microscope. We’ve also covered the alarming news of the number of Middle Easterners who take full advantage of our unguarded borders to infiltrate our country, paying coyotes tens of thousands of dollars to allow them to blend in with herds of illegals crossing the border. Once inside the country, they disperse and fade away into our society.

Lately, focus has shifted from clandestine border crossings to blatant visa violations as the FBI hunted and captured 11 Egyptian men who entered the country under false pretenses. Such visa violations (including overstaying visa expirations) are not unusual for Middle Easterners, particularly from Pakistan, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, etc., but we Americans are rarely aware of them. Chechens are also making concerted efforts to get into the country illegally, despite the generous visa allowances for their country.

Today, I’d like to examine our broken immigration process in the light of the current war in the Middle East. To that end, I’d like you to reference this column by Investor’s Business Daily.

Why Borders Matter

Aug 09 06

The war in Lebanon is an object lesson in border protection. Hezbollah secretly beefed up its forces there as Israel lowered its northern guard. Then Hezbollah attacked. We should take note.

Lest Americans think this is “Israel’s war,” it’s worth repeating that it was Hezbollah that bombed the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing some 250 Americans. Hezbollah also kidnapped Americans Terry Anderson and Beirut CIA Station Chief William Buckley. Buckley died in captivity with nine others. Some of the masterminds are still at large.

Hezbollah (Party of Allah) is not just a faraway threat. Its leaders have infiltrated the U.S. by breaching our own porous borders.

Continue reading “Guard the Borders”