3 Replies to “I had a dream…”

  1. hell far & tarnation! you & Boortzey have given away my secret.

    that’s a ligitimate photo of my very first aviation trainer.

    ‘course after flying that’un fer a few hours, i came to be a bit more suave. or, was it just the new shampoo my new wife — oops the “switch-hitter” EX — introduced to me?

    anyway the plane flew pretty good, when we had enough “head” wind to get it off the ground. later i larned it simply had too much drag and too little lift.

  2. add’l comment: it’s a very similar version of a later version military aircraft in which i flew 379 combat missions in the “sea war games.”

    ol’ birddog had a similar amount of drag with all the “willie peter” rockets we carried under the wangs. the difference was made up with all the radio weight we had in the “cock” pit.

    everything we did was at 70 knots — takeoff, cruise, land — all at 70 knots.

    theoretically we could cruise at 87 knots. howsomever, i actually climbed to 10,859 feet one day (coupla fellow pilits beat me by 100 feet — they be’ed 100 # less in personal wt than me). after it quit climing, i pointed the nose strait down, throttled back so’s i woldn’t wrang the prop off. best speed i could get strait down was just a bit over 100 knots. couldn’t even reach terminal velocity with so much drag & weight.

    thus dis photo brangs back many mammories.

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