Heidi’s post for this week’s blogburst extracts some lengthy comments from a new book that some might miss because the author is a bit… pugnacious, shall we say… *heh* I think I need to get my own copy.

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

By Heidi at Euphoric Reality

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.
-Arnold Toynbee

Wide open and unguarded stand our gates, and through them passes a wild motley throng.
-Thomas Bailey Aldrich, “Unguarded Gates,” 1895

You cannot become thorough Americans if you think of yourselves in groups. America does not consist of groups. A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group in America has not yet become an American.
-Woodrow Wilson, Address to New Citizens, 1915

Those who favor unrestricted immigration care nothing for the people.
-Sam Gompers, founding president, AFL, 1921

Why was the border guard so thin? Did the Romans not notice…that their way of life was changing forever?
-Thomas Cahill, 1995

No society has a boundless capacity to accept newcomers, especially when many are poor and unskilled.
-Robert Samuelson, economist and Newsweek columnist, 2005

We can’t protect our own borders.
-Donald Rumsfeld, November 29, 2005

The following excerpts are all from a new book, State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America. Many people may not read it because of the political baggage of the author, but I’ve read the book, despite my disagreement with the author on other issues, and it is entirely right on the money when it comes to the invasion of our country by foreigners. It occurred to me that many people may miss out on the common sense found within its pages so I’m excerpting a little bit of it here for those who may never read the words otherwise.

Continue readingIMPORTANT Guard the Borders IMPORTANT

Four Things, Yea and Five

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Walls that need mending…

Of the critical issues facing the West in general and the U.S. specifically, four are standouts, and they all have their roots in the same bed of manure. Here’s a very short presentation of those issues.

Borders: Linknzona has the best roundup of the essentials, and of course, Euphoric Reality provides a weekly blogburst on this tiopic. I’d boil it down to security and justice. No country that will not vigorously defend its borders when necessary can call itself a nation for long. And no country that requires only some of those entering it to do so legally can claim any justice. Absent justice, a democratic republic… isn’t.

(Oh, and see this post by Angel at Woman Honor Thyself. She tracked it back but the blog monsters ate the trackback. 🙂 It’s germane to the borders issue.)

Islam. No, not the “GWOT”–Islam. Unless and until a majority of the population of Western countries (and the U.S. in particular) are able to call the primary enemy of the West by its true name, Islam will continue to convert Western democratic societies into barbarous totalitarian states, by outbreeding the demiocrats of by killing them; either method suffices for its purposes. See Woman Honor Thyself, All Things Beautiful and others in my blogroll for frequent wakeup calls.

Education: Many serious problems with education in the West–not just U.S. public education (AKA “prisons for kids”). As long as schools are teaching children lies under the cover of “tolerance” and “multiculturalism” we will continue our slide into darkness. Add that serious problem to the fact that, at least in American schools, we are turning out generations of subliterates and there might seem to be no hope at all.

Taxation: I could say economic issues in general, but it seems to me that a majority of economic woes faced by the West can be laid at the feet of politicians having altogether too much control over the pocketbooks of their serfs. (Yeh, I said that. Have you talked with your Congressman or Senator and NOT been treated like a nobody?) Too much money in politicians’/government hands = too much power where it simply does not belong in a supposedly democratic society.

But the roots of these problems can be revealed in two statements that should be the guiding lights for anyone concerned with correcting the course of Westertn Civilization:

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”—James Burnham


“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.” —R. L. Dabney

“It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.” Rings out loudly in the face of the FACT that Saudi Arabia, our “good buddies” in the Middle East, are still major financers of Islamic hate and outright terrorism, while BOTH so-called liberals and so-called conservatives clutch the greasy Saudi “princes” to their bosoms, doesn’t it?

Neither the faux liberalism spawned by an unholy bastard issue of genuine liberalism and communism/socialism in the 20th Century nor the faux conservatism that simply slops along happy as a puppy to follow wherever “liberalism” leads (while simply lying about being genuinely conservative) can preserve (or resurrect) the Republic the Founders handed us, nor can these opportunistic fake opponents save what was once the nursery of Western Civilization, while Mohammedans are allowed to invade and outbreed Europeans by multiples of 5 to 1 or more.

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