Saving Baby

Ya know those “life skills” classes our pubschools waste time on that feature a five-/ten-pound bag of flour (or some such–a dozen eggs, whatnot) as something for kids to haul around, be responsible for care, etc. for a week, supposedly in place of a baby?

Yeh, that.

Well, confession time segue-ing into “saving baby”.

I sometimes talk about folks being “dumb as a bag of hammers”. Well, I have a bag of hammers, almost. One I’ve bought, others from the toolboxes of various relatives who’ve gone on to their reward. It’s good I have a large collection of hammers—including five ordinary claw hammers of various vintages–cos I tend to just set ’em down where I am using them and when I go back to look for ’em to put ’em away, they’re… gone. Walked off. Decided to play hide n seek with me. Whatever.

Oh, they always turn up. Eventually. And get put “where they belong”… until the next time.

Same thing with tape measures and a few other tools.

So, I got a new (cheapo, but nice) tape measure yesterday and have been trying to play “saving baby” with it. When I set it down and walk off from it, I immediately go back and pick it up and cuddle and rock it while commenting something like, “Oh, Baby! You could have rolled right offa that counter and hurt yourself on the floor! I must take better care of you!”

Maybe it’ll get tired of being babied and run off to find my other tape measures.

Sure it’s weird, but you expected something else from America’s Third World Countyâ„¢?


A word of wisdom from Lewis Carroll…

…for American foreign policy in the Middle East:


There were once two cats of Kilkenny.
Each thought there was one cat too many;
So they fought and they fit,
And they scratched and they bit,
Till, excepting their nails,
And the tips of their tails,
Instead of two cats, there weren’t any.

Shiites hate Sunnis.

Iran hates Iraq.

Almost everyone hates the Saudis (though they kiss up to the fake royals).

And so it goes. There are so very many factions in the Muslim world who hate each other that perhaps the best American foreign policy in the Middle East might be to encorage such factionalism and “brotherly hatred” in hopes that the eternally self-destructive Muslim world will play Kilkenny cats for us and simply eat itself up. (Of course, when one or another side looks like it’s gaining ascendency, playing quartermaster to the “loser(s)” to keep ’em bleeding each other equally would be a Very Good Thing.)

…So they fought and they fit,
And they scratched and they bit,
Till, excepting their nails,
And the tips of their tails,
Instead of two cats, there weren’t any.

It’s a thought (which is one thought more than seems to have been put into our current Mass Media Podpeople-driven foreign policy).

Think the ants’ll stay off this one at Basil’s? Looking for some lettuce and tomato at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

A Stop the ACLU Smörgåsbord

In lieu of a full xposting on the American Communist Lawyers Union from STACLU this week, how about a buffet of STACLU’s recent wares? (Read more at the links provided)

Blue Plate Special

When the ACLU wins a case against the Boy Scouts, the public display of the Ten Commandments, veterans memorials, and other symbols of American history and heritage guess who pays them? You do! However, there is current legislation going before the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, as well as a companion bill going before the House that is designed to put a stop to this…

Soup du jour

Senate Passes Legislation To Protect Mt. Soledad Cross… Once this is signed by the President, which will no doubt happen, it will moot all current court battles by making it a Federal issue instead of a State one…

and dessert:

…we all know the philosphy that the ACLU and its followers adhere to: “If standards are good, then double standards must be twice as good.”

OK, so three doesn’t quite make a smörgÃ¥sbord, but there’s more at STACLU on these and other topics, all related to defense of our civil liberties from attacks by the ACLU.

“…Move ’em out!”

I begin this mini-micro-roundup of interesting stuff ’round and about with a quote from a reader’s email over at Chaos manor Musings:

“Political correctness is affirmative action for lousy ideas.”

While you’re mulling that one over (and the meta-commentary it makes on affirmative action), here are a few intersting posts and other tidbits from my limited cruisin’s this week, so far.

Two must-reads from Planck’s Constant (Yeh, I know they’re included in an open trackbacks post, but these are too good to let languish there):

Do the Christian thing. *heh* Well-said.

The Scorpion and the Frog, re-framed.

Woody makes a case for Geogians to re-elect the racist Cynthia McKinney. Interesting arguments, Woody. Wanna make the same case for, oh, say… Billary? 😉

While we’re on McKinney, Ann Coulter has a word or three on the topic

“Cynthia McKinney: One of the most intelligent Democrats in the country.”

Social networking… in the hands of the narcs, the undoing of some dumb parents. (How do I know they’re dumber than a bag o’ hammers? Look at their progeny… )

More fake news exposed by Dan Rhiel. Seems the Mass Media Podpeople learned the wrong lesson from Rathergate. Naturally.

Well, Kim, I’m drooling, too. Good heavens, that’s purty!

Stupidity has its price, even in our cradle-to-grave nanny state society. The Median Sib asks, What was she thinking?. Obviously, nothing. *sigh* The article doesn’t say, but the woman referred to could have been the head of any number of departments in an Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakery or Feddle Gummint Bureaucrappy. Thems things that takes real smarts.

That’s about it for now. Sure, there’s a ton more (like commentary on the Murtha suit from a buncha perspectives), but I feel like stopping here, for now. Need more caffeine. Or more sleep. Or both.