Lil Roundup


Justa few quick hits.

Lisa has the Carnival of the Vanities up at Lil Duck Duck. Drop by and leave a note saying, “You’re so vain… ” eh? 🙂

Dead Guy on the Sidebar‘s a new blog run by Lady Diane. Seems “Dead Guy” was taking over at Diane’s Stuff and needed a home of its own. Drop by and play a round for me, wouldya? You might just win a crown. I’m currently in the running for the “Dead Guy in the Sidebar” dunce cap, since I royally suck at the game. 😉

Interesting article, Pope Prepares to Embrace Theory of Intelligent Design. Strangely, coming from The Guardian, it’s a rather even-handed article. MQ:

The Pope also raised the issue in the inaugural sermon of his pontificate, saying: “We are not the accidental product, without meaning, of evolution.”

Maybe this will bring back my fav troll (whose comments are now always blocked, because he resolutely fails to either make an argument or provide a real email address) to foolishly rant about “Intelligent design does too equal creationism.”


Christopher Hitchens: “Plame Out”—slamming the lid on the stinking corpse of Plame-Wilson lies.

Rick (The Real Ugly American) points to what is probably the definitive piece on the Qana “massacre” written by Bernice Lipkin, Just read it.

Well, I said it was a few quick hits. Maybe more later, but given the day facing me, probably not. L8R.

On the BB at TMH’s Bacon Bits and Adam’s Blog and Stuck On Stupid.

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