Tuesday Open Post/Still just semi-blogging

Still catching up. Open trackback post. Link to this post in one of yours you’d like to see listed below and then trackback.

Oh, and thanks for some good reads Monday. I should be back on schedule (both reading and posting) by wednesday, but a coupla days downtime just seemed to come beggin’ for my attention, ya know?

So go ahead and link to this post with some good reading; save me some time, eh? 🙂

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

twc drivers

I think I have narrowed down third wourld county driver to three basic classes. While there may—indeed, is—a great variety within the classes, I think my classification system holds up fairly well.

First, there are the folks who for whatever reason—inability to think ahead, lead foot, illiteracy, extreme disregard for the law and the safety of others (let alone themselves) feel compelled to exceed every know speed limit, ignore every traffic light, stop sign and even the presence of other vehicles on the road in their pursuit of that elusive goal: get “there” ahead of the guy in front of them. Any guy in front of them, anywhere down the road.

Then there are the folks who need their own mentally handicapped license plate, cos they are simply the slowest-thinking things on the road with pretentions of humanity. “Can I turn onto this road? I dunno… that car a half a mile away looks to be blazing along at nearly 30 miles and hour. Maybe I should wait til that speed demon whizzes on by. Oh, and what’s that strange honkin’ sound? We get a flight of geese through here? happens evry time I spend a few glorious hours waiting to enter the ‘Slow Boat to Purgatory Lane’.”

And then there are the four drivers who can actually plan ahead so they don’t have to speed, ignore stop signs, etc. and who aren’t slow moving roadblocks.

(You don’t think YOU are one of the four, do you? :-))