Funny… but true.

The satire site, Scrappleface, is one of the best places to go and watch a master prick the ballons of pretentious… pricks. Scott Ott uses light irony and heavy-handed satire, both with equal facility. But a post dated May 19, 2006—Da Vinci Flick Makes Pope Admit Secret Code—exceeds even his usual level of mastery.

‘The Da Vinci Code‘ has finally forced Pope Benedict XVI to release a statement admitting that the Bible contains a “veiled mystery unknown to most of the world.”…

…Under pressure from theologians in the news media, a Vatican spokesman today admitted that the Holy Scriptures contain a hidden code, known only to a relative handful of insiders.

Read the rest to unlock the secret. I’ve tried it, and it actually works!

Wow! Now that’s masterful satire: using a factual “secret code” and its real key in a fictional post to mock a book/film that uses fake “facts” to promote a fake code in a fictional work that the author claims to be essentially true…

That’s gonna leave a mark.

Las Mordidas?

Yesterday, Jerry Pournelle suggested:

“Would it not be cheaper to pay the Mexican government say, $10 billion a year, on the provision that they close the border from their side? If many get through to the US we reduce the bribe.”

I’ve excerpted just a small portion of Dr. Pournelle’s comments, and there are more from his readers in the Mail section of Chaos Manor Musings. But the idea cited above could be a useful tool in reducing the alien invasion from Mexico, I think. “Las Mordidas” is the social lubricant that gets things done there. Only a couple of problems as the proposal was stated:

  1. Remitance monies (also mentioned by you in the same “View” comment) amount to something over $20 billion a year pumped into the Mexican economy, now. Perhaps the first or second largest single element of its economy. The bribe needs to be bigger.
  2. In order to work, the bribe needs to be highly targeted. The “ricos” kakistocracy must be targeted to recieve the money, or it won’t be an effective bribe.

In the long run, would it not be cheaper to simply annex Mexico? Instead of moving the U.S. border to San Francisco-Kansas City-D.C., as Scott Ott at Scrappleface “predicted” the President’s speech would propose, move it south to Guatemala/Belize. Maybe the Texas national Guard could be tasked with that little adventure… *heh* Well, if such a pipe dream ever materialized, it would at least have the virtue of (hopefully) moving the robber barons off that pot of gold the beggars once sat on.


Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s close the back door on all the Muslim extremist groups populating Canada. Annex Canada next? *heh*

Oh, a lil note I’m considering adding to most of my posts as a reminder to call, write, fax and email the administration and your congresscritters, your governor and as many other public officials as you can about the alien invasion (and the fax I suggested a couple of days ago that you send :-)):

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Folks, it is not only your undeniable right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, it is your responsibility to yourself, your children and grandchildren and your fellow citizens to do so whenever OUR unresponsive kakistocracy is steering the ship of state onto the rocks.
