Stop the ACLU

Guest Post by Kender

Our erstwhile and dearly beloved President Bush, having found one of his testicles behind the couch, FINALLY gets around to attempting to begin to consider taking the correct course of action by deploying 6000 National Guard Troops to aid ICE in securing our Southern Border in Name Only (SBNO) and the ACLU races with all haste to try to undermine the deployment by whining incessantly and lying to the American people.

“Oh-ho” you say, along with “Kender? How can you say that the ACLU is LYING to the goodly citizens of the United States?”

Here’s how, and as usual, it is attributable to The Queen of the ACLU, The Beauty of the Bill of Rights, the Nancy of the Nine Amendments (ask him, there is no Second Amendment) Anthony Romero:

“Turning immigration enforcement policy into another military operation is not the answer. The president’s proposed deployment of National Guard troops violates the spirit of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the military from getting into the business of civilian law enforcement.

(emphasis mine)
Did you catch that?

I made it real big so you would catch it, but how many of you actually caught it?

Actually the question should be how many of you even know about it?

SEC. 15. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress; and no money appropriated by this act shall be used to pay any of the expenses incurred in the employment of any troops in violation of this section And any person willfully violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding two years or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Let me repeat that.

except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;

Got that? Never mind the fact that the since the Posse Comitatus Act is an AMERICAN LAW it should logically only apply to AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!! But applying our laws to criminal aliens is a fight that the ACLU has won….for the moment.

But we all know that where the ACLU is concerned logic has nothing to do with it.

I propose the radical concept that it is SPECIFICALLY the job of the federal government to secure the border, and if we need National Guard Troops to accomplish that goal then that is what needs to get done. If these millions of criminal aliens were coming across with guns and in uniform would the ACLU demand that Bush not send the military to stop the invasion?

I bet they would.

In WW2 the current ACLU would have been suing the government for placing anti-aircraft guns on the coast (many of those were placed on private property with the owners blessings) and demanding that blackout rules be abolished because forcing one to turn out the lights during a possible air raid would put them in danger of tripping on something in the dark, thereby depriving them of their right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Of course, the ALCU is more than happy to let someone pursue their personal happiness in the dark, often times even when it involves children, but that is a rant for another day.

The fact of the matter is that the government has failed us by refusing to secure the border, and we have been invaded. The ACLU is doing everything in their power to stop the government from doing ITS’ JOB and in the process making us all a little less safe with each and every day that goes by.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board

The above article was a guest post. While I agree with Kender in principle, please note one minor and one serious exception I take, below. Oh, and do note that I placed this post under multiple categories, including SEX! After all, this post does have as much to do with sex as President Bush’s immigration policy has to do with border control and national security…

The minor exception? Posse Comitatus does not apply to repelling alien invasions. The President could just as legally authorize the regular Army to patrol the border to repel an invasion… and three million illegal aliens a year does constitute an invasion! Especially when those coming from Mexico are doing so with the active encouragement and participation of the Mexican government.

But G.W. Bush, Vicente Fox’s Lapdog and the ACLU’s punching bag, won’t make that point.

Not to pick too fine a nit, Kender does begin with a false assertion, above: Vicente Fox’s Lapdog, AKA President George Bush, didn’t actually find one of his balls behind the couch; he didn’t have a microscope powerful enough and pair of tweezers small enough for the job…*sigh* Yes, I am well and truly finished with showing any respect for the person of George W. Bush, after his shameful display of dishonesty Monday evening.

Who are they?

At The People’s Cube.

Watch the video. Read the post (page down for the entire thing after watching the video).

They trekked thousands of miles in searing heat…
They crossed the border risking life and limb…
They get paid peanuts…
They do jobs others refuse to do…
Some people back in their own country treat them with little respect…
They live crammed together in substandard conditions…
They rarely see their families…
They have to learn a foreign language and culture…
They recognize only one flag…


“Alex, I’ll take ‘Red Square for President’ for $2,000.”

Oh, and do see the commonsense negotiating stance on immigration/border control proposed at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.

h.t. Woody

A rant by any other name…

Or should I say, “A rant of a different color”?

Before I rant, a disclaimer of sorts: anyone who reads the following rant resulting from an extreme distaste for the kakistocracy that runs Mexico and its blatant aiding and abetting (and direct involvement!) in the violation of American sovereignty and accuses me of being racist is a jackass. And that’s putting it politely. Far more politely than any such accusation might deserve.

Now, a note to Vicente Fox’s Lapdog, AKA President George W.Bush:

If you had balls the size of BBs, you’d take the casus belli offered the U.S. via state-sponsored violations of American sovereignty* and shove it down Mexico’s throat: declare war on Mexico. Invade it and kick all the Mexicans out (for being illegal aliens on American property). Send ’em to Castro and Hugo Chavez to deal with. Oh, keep the ricos for use in hard labor on chain gangs, breaking rocks and swamping raw sewage to dump on their resort beaches and the like. Rape the land of its amazingly rich natural resources (oil at $15 a barrel? You betcha!), and when it’s all gone, salt the land with, well, salt, vacate and tell the former owners they can have it all back, best o’ luck to ya now! Head on back north behind a 2,000 mile long 100′ high fence that’s TOTALLY militarized.

That’d tell folks the U.S. is serious about security and serious about soverignty. State-sponsored invasion? Wanna play that game, better lay back and enjoy the ride.

Rant OFF. For now.

*On top of Mexican government policies encouraging alien invasion of the U.S., Mexican military incursions onto U.S. soil to protect drug runners and other illegal aliens_1_,_2_,_3_ are rampant. And Vicente Fox’s Lapdog talks about “cooperation” between American and Mexican authorities to control the border! Cooperation? Yeh, a one-way street. Sell out the Minutemen, turn a blind eye to Mexican military incursions and give a wink and a nod to the Mexican government publishing handbooks on how to sneak across our border.

Yeh, I’m still pi**ed off. But I’m not ranting, now. No, you’ll know it when I’m ranting…

Kixking and screaming and throwing breakables all over the place at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

The Health of the Republic

While I recommend you read the whole thing, once again Jerry Pournelle puts his finger on a critical issue concerning the health of the Republic:

The House, which is the most democratic of our institutions, apparently sees what must be done. The President, Senate, and Judiciary have their own agendas.

Republican institutions are supposed to temper the temporary whims of the democratic electorate in favor of their long term interests. We have a total reversal here. The electorate has been in favor of border control for thirty years, but we don’t have it due to the politicians.

Do note that in this case Dr. Pournelle uses “Republican institutions” to mean the institutions designed by the Founders and Framers to institute and maintain a Republic, a form of government that is sadly slipping from us at an accelerated pace, as witness the elitist disregard so many in D.C. have for maintaining it…