Over a cliff…

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If nothing else, the past few weeks have conclusively proven that the majority of party leaders in both parties have no respect for the laws they pass for the rest of us to live under.

Above the law

(Click on the pic above for a better view)

Congressman William Jefferson, D-LA, found succor from the outlaws’ favorite law enforcement officer, “King” George W. “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush, when Bush put a 45-day hold on materials seized under duly excercised, legal warrants pursuant to an FBI investigation that already has Jefferson caught accepting nearly $100,000 in dirty money.

And sure, enough, party leaders from both parties—the Senators fresh from a round of “screw the American electorate, screw American sovereignty, screw the rule of law” session approving a bill offering a “get outa jail free” card and hot cocoa by the fire to between 11 million and 20 million felons (depending on who’s doing the estimates)—rallied around the “Warrants: too good for American citizens; not good enough for congresscritters” meme and have been squawking about their special priviledges.

I’ve said for years that the Democrats are determined to drive the country off a cliff at 70 (the 80, then 90, now approaching 100) mph, but that the Republicans only wanted to drive a more stately 45 mph… off the same cliff. Now, it’s as though the Republican leadership is racing the Democrats to see who can drive the country off a cliff first.


Picture this: America personified, driving a car down a steep incline toward a cliff. The caption reads, “FROOMB!”

“Fluid’s running out of my brakes!”

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Linkfest Haven

The “Warrants” graphic above shamelessly stolen from Neal Boortz’ site.