Even a blind pig…

The Washingtom Post (WaPo! I’m still trying to get my head around this one!) in a real, live, genuine, official editorial Sunday, actually “spoke truth to power” as it were concerning the Plame Game.

After more than 2 1/2 years of investigation, Mr. Fitzgerald has reported no evidence to support Mr. Wilson’s charge. In last week’s court filings, he stated that Mr. Bush did not authorize the leak of Ms. Plame’s identity.

And yes, there’s more at the link.

I have to say, I’m almost as flabbergasted by this development as I might be if such an editorial appeared in the New York Slimes.

h.t. Big Lizards! for the link to a rag I almost never read… Dafydd has some good comments on this amazing *heh* development. I particvularly like Dafydd’s “that the charges were nothing but lies wrapped in falsehoods surrounded by mendacity” phrase referring to Joe Wilson’s lies.

A donkey is like a housewife?

Lest anyone think Islam has a lock on misogynist views of women…

“In fact, the donkey is a shade better, for while the housewife may sometimes complain and walk off to her parents’ home, you’ll never catch the donkey being disloyal to his master.”

Sounds like someone has skewed views of both women and donkeys. I’ve known a few donkeys (and even more jackasses), and none of them are even remotely comparable to housewives of my aquiantance.

Although there are quite a few other species (congresscritters come easily to mind) that do bear remarkable resemblance to jackasses, save for the fact that most jackasses are more intelligent by at least an order of magnitude, and have better morals and ethics.

Computer Gives Correct Answers When Switched “Off”

(Hmmm, that sounds like some computers I know. You know what I mean: they work better when not even turned on.)

That’s what this computer experiment demonstrated: a quantum computer that delivered correct answers 1/3 of the time… when no data was input. What sounds like a trip to Madam Woowoo’s Voodoo Parlor and Seance Emporiumis really quite something else.

Physicists have long known that quantum computers have the potential to race through calculations trillions of times as fast as ordinary computers do. Now, it seems that those machines may not have to calculate at all to deliver answers.

While it might appear to be intuitive that the seemingly random nature of quantum mechanics would be able to return accurate calculations only half the time, at best, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign have built a simple quantum computer that performs simple database searches. The intriguing thing is that,

… about a third of the time that, with no photon going into the computer, and thus no search, the computer had yielded the correct answer to the question: Was there a mismatch between the incoming photon and the chosen database location?

Hmmm. That’s better than I used to do with “always bet the leading apprentice jockey to show”…

“Dear John… ” /Open Post

Tuesday’s Open post. Link to this post and track back. More info below the Dear John Letter.

Dear John,

I haven’t heard from you recently. I’ve been wondering where we are—or even if there is a “we” any more. I don’t think this relationship has a chance—if it ever did. It’s not because yuou like “long walks on the beach,” metrosexual men and butch sugar mommies. Nor is it because you like a double-grande-cashew-chicken-ice-cream-mocha-decaf-latte-with-a twist (THAT’S perverted, John!) instead of coffee, Foosball and fake an interest in Samurai Champloo. No, John, it’s because I just can’t take another Christmas in Cambodia, you lying rat bastard.

Where’re the records, Jean Fraud?

No sKerry BS

As I said in the beginning, link to this post and track back, and note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Posting to Dear John via The Conservative Cat (does Ferdy have a “thing” for mailmen? Only if they’re delivering cheese, probably), Blue Star Chronicles and The Liberal Wrong Wing