Once again, with feeling

Trying out a “new” coffee this a.m. Gave my Wonder Woman a sip from my cup. She got this strange moue on her face and in a gruff voice, “Manly-man coffee!”


Yeh, well, it has body.

O Blessed, Holy Caffeine Tree!

O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree

Midi File:

Mp3 File (Courtesy of the Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea Singers):

Go ahead; sing along. 🙂

(This mp3 is a lower-sampling-rate version of trhe one at the Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea link above.)

Oh, and here’s another verse, not included in the verses above:

O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree,
In gratitude I sing of thee,
For all the ways you give life zest,
O Caffeine Tree, you are the best!

N.B.–The graphic above has a word-switch in the second verse that I need to get around to editing. First one to spot it gets two brownie points, redeemable for absolutely nothing but a pat on the back and a hearty “Attaboy/girl!”


Brewing up a storm at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns (where y’all can wish Sam a belated “Happy Birthday”) and at Blue Star Chronicles, where Beth reminds us: Never Forget!

Punch it up

Here’s a punch recipe my Wonder Woman glommed onto at a teacher luncheon, slightly edited with a third world county “flavor”:

3oz package Jello (sugared or artificially sweetened, your choice)
One or two 2-litre bottle of Sprite (the pop, not some fairy, OK?)
[N.B. the recipe I was handed had no amounts for the pop]

Dissolve the Jello (strawberry-banana or your choice) in 2C boiling water as per package directions.
Add 1 can (size not given–assume large) Dole Pineapple juice (or better if you have a fav)
1 can water equal to pineapple juice
[N.B.–I’d have a can of crushed or chunk pineapple handy for later if it were me]
Stir. Freeze for 48 hrs. Thaw three hours and chunk it up with a large fork.
Serve in punch bowl with Sprite. [Add pineapple chunks or slices if you want–I would.]

I imagine this would work as well served from a pitcher on a hot summer’s evening as an accompaniment to a barbeque meal on the deck.