Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! ;-)


I’ve been waiting on this day since last Fall. When “fall back” time began screwing with my biorhythms, my venerable (*heh*) SkyScan clock stopped correcting for DST on/off, and it wouldn’t let me manually set it, either. Every time I corrected it, it’d reset itself an hour ahead.

So, I just learned to subtract and hour from the readout. The rest—days, moon phase, minutes, seconds—remained accurate.

Well, today the semi-annual “screw with my biorhythms” day has come around again and NOW the thing has the right hour as well as minutes. seconds, etc.



Doing a time-check at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, where Sam, in a time warp to match the craziest of her rants, is living a month in the future…

Sam of the Future!

Carnival of the Recipes #85

…At Blog o’Ram (every time I see that I wanna say, “baaah” :-))—a very special edition that includes a few recipes you definitely haven’t run across before, like,

Make a moderately thick syrup of April by combining a couple cups of fresh April with about a cup of water and enough sugar to make it sweet. Cook until moderately thick and syruppy.

Well, what did you expect? This carnival edition was posted on April 1, after all.

But there are a coupla (more than, actually) cool, more “normal” recipes, too. Take Pears Mazama, for example. Any recipe requiring a fire extinguisher is right up my alley.

Anywho, lots more good stuff at the carnival post, so just go there and add some more stumbling blocks to your attempts to diet.

In other news… (it’s related, really, though not in an immediately obvious way), Christine made Feedster Feed of the Day. Nice. WTG, Christine!

Here’s yer sign, “reconquistadores”

Mexican flag? No!

(CLICK for larger image)

BTW, before some asshat accuses me of being a racist, let me just say this. Anyone who makes that sort of accusation is, well, stupid and probably belongs to the race of Moonbatius Dementis from the planet Democrappia, and so are simply demonstrating that they can pass flatus via their faces.

I will admit to being “prejudiced” (to stretch the meaning of that word almost out of reason) against people who enter this country illegally, refuse to assimilate and demand that America submit to being “reconquered” by them.

Remember the Alamo, pachucos.

I do.