Tuesday’s Open post. Link to this post and track back. More info below the Dear John Letter.
Dear John,
I haven’t heard from you recently. I’ve been wondering where we are—or even if there is a “we” any more. I don’t think this relationship has a chance—if it ever did. It’s not because yuou like “long walks on the beach,” metrosexual men and butch sugar mommies. Nor is it because you like a double-grande-cashew-chicken-ice-cream-mocha-decaf-latte-with-a twist (THAT’S perverted, John!) instead of coffee, Foosball and fake an interest in Samurai Champloo. No, John, it’s because I just can’t take another Christmas in Cambodia, you lying rat bastard.
Where’re the records, Jean Fraud?
As I said in the beginning, link to this post and track back, and note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Posting to Dear John via The Conservative Cat (does Ferdy have a “thing” for mailmen? Only if they’re delivering cheese, probably), Blue Star Chronicles and The Liberal Wrong Wing
10 Replies to ““Dear John… ” /Open Post”