A donkey is like a housewife?

Lest anyone think Islam has a lock on misogynist views of women…

“In fact, the donkey is a shade better, for while the housewife may sometimes complain and walk off to her parents’ home, you’ll never catch the donkey being disloyal to his master.”

Sounds like someone has skewed views of both women and donkeys. I’ve known a few donkeys (and even more jackasses), and none of them are even remotely comparable to housewives of my aquiantance.

Although there are quite a few other species (congresscritters come easily to mind) that do bear remarkable resemblance to jackasses, save for the fact that most jackasses are more intelligent by at least an order of magnitude, and have better morals and ethics.

2 Replies to “A donkey is like a housewife?”

  1. Yeh, well, this was in school curriculum in a mostly Hindu province of India…

    Muslims aren’t the only ones to have a poor estimation of women.


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