A Note to Teddy, Jean Fraud and their ilk


(Just trying to keep the discourse at a level they can understand.)

OTOH, On a level appropriate for adults,

By a 72-25 vote, the Senate cut off a symbolic filibuster attempt today on the Supreme Court nomination of Samuel A. Alito Jr., all but assuring that the federal appeals court judge will be confirmed Tuesday morning by the Senate.

Let’s see now… voting against the filibuster… Republican Senators and Democraps who have seen the handwriting on the wall.

(Teddy, Jean Fraud and their partners in crime may have seen it, but their bile has blinded them to good sense, good taste or any connection to ethics. Of course, for most of them in that camp, all of those virtues were lost years ago.)

A tip o’ the’ tam to Jay @ STACLU

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