Power Oatmeal!

Power Oatmeal? Yeh. Want that warm, smoothe oatmeal breakfast, but also working out and need the extra protein you get from a ham n eggs type of breakfast? Here’s one solution.

Oatmeal (take your pick):

Oatmeal Porridge

  • 1/4C cut oats
  • 1 Qt water
  • pinch salt
  • Bring water to a rolling boil
  • sprinkle the oats onto the “roll”
  • stir well
  • keep at a boil (stirring every now and then) until it begins to thicken, then reduce to a simmer and simmer for 20-30 minutes or so (depends on how smoothe or “chewy” you like your porridge)


Your fav “rolled” oats–the flat stuff you associate with Quaker Oats. Regular or instant, fixed as you usually do or the package directs.

The “power” part?

First: flavor. I like to add freshly-grated cinnamon and nutmeg, margarine (or butter) and some apple jelly.

Then, for added protein, whip up 8 oz of a high-quality, high-protein shake. I use the a super high-quality (ordered over the internet) vanilla-flavored protein shake for adding to oatmeal. Use the protein shake in place of milk. (Drink any shake mix left after pouring an amount you prefer over the oatmeal. 🙂

When I have ’em, I’ll add raisins to the oatmeal porridge as it’s cooking.

Warm, tasty, filling and an extra protein boost.

Update: Oh, where’s the coffee? Already downed by this time and starting on a second third fourth cup. What?!? Breakfast w/o Joe? Say it ain’t so!

UPDATE: In comments The MaryHunter suggests cardamom and brown sugar—each separately or together worthy additions to oatmeal.

How can you tell if yogurt is spoiled?/O.P.

Seriously. I found an old container of yogurt that had been shoved to the back of the fridge today. “Sell by” date was September 4, 05. Ate it. Couldn’t taste anything different about it.

That’s the problem with yogurt. It starts out as already spoiled milk, so it’s apparently the same old or new…

At least it’s easier to tell when an anti-war peacenik democrap “war hero” is spoiled. Yeh, right from the start. Apparently John Murtha may have pulled the same phony Purple Heart dodges that Jean Fraud sKerry did.

They oughta take it on a tour. “Looky here! I’m a war hero (as ref my neatly self-censored “records”) and I’m against the war in Iraq!” from John “I’ll release my records Real Soon Now” Kerry and “Looky here! I’m a war hero (as ref my Purple Hearts not even my congressman would try to help me get) and I’m against the war in Iraq!”

Since I’m still waiting to see the records Jean Fraud sKerry said he’d release nearly a year ago (for the very nth time), I’ll not hold my breath waiting on Murtha to back up his claims that appear to be puffed up.

Still Jean Fraud sKerry remains the poster boy for political bullshit for the 21st century (where’s the beef, John Boy?).

No More sKerry BS_button

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