Passable collection of security tips

Every now and then PCMag has a really good collection of tips on one or another area of computing. Today, my inbox had an e- from PCMag with a link to “80 Super Security Tips “. Well they’re not really “super” but most of them aren’t half bad. Here are links to the first eleven, but watch out for the last one in this list. While having good password cracking software can save your bacon on a Win2K/XP/2003 system where the admin password has become lost or corrupted, there are other less expensive ways (that don’t necessarily offer password cracking temptation or the danger of you appearing to have unethical software–whether your intent is pure or not–in your arsenal. E- me if you need to legitimately crack into a Win2K/XP/2003 system where YOUR admin password’s become corrupted or lost and I’ll point you in the right direction. (Hint: Linux boot CD and password changing utility–free and It Just Works–for most legitimate uses.)

Slapped up on the BB at Conservative Cat

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