Dog bites man *yawn*

Nothing new, really. Oh, Joe “Mr. Plagiarism” Biden has other problems besides remembering whose words he’s stealing. Yep. He can’t even remember what he’s said, himself.

Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), who grilled Samuel Alito ’72 about his CAP membership, also said that he “wasn’t a big Princeton fan.”

“I didn’t even like Princeton,” he said, to laughter from the gallery. “I mean, I really didn’t like Princeton. I was an Irish Catholic kid who thought it had not changed like you concluded it had…_Daily Princetonian_

Yeh. This after his 2004 speech at Princeton where he said, “It’s an honor to be here. It would have been an even greater honor to have come here.”

And then went on to say,

“I have three children who have mercifully all finally completed undergraduate and graduate school. And I tried to get all three of them to apply here.”

Well, of course he did. As much as he has never liked the school, I’m sure he bent every effort to get them to apply there.

Lesson: how can you tell Joe Biden, Teddy Kennedy, Jean Fraud sKerry and their ilk are lying? Easy. They are still breathing.

Up tomorrow: Stop the ACLU and Guard the Borders. Not much else.

Will it be a case of “These are not the droids you are seeking”? Stay tuned. Perspiring minds wanna know.


OK, so for several years now, Apple has been selling “MAc” products running a Unix OS. Now,

Apple Shows New Intel Notebooks, Software

Well, you knew it was coming. Apple’s been having trouble for years now, as its percentage slice of the personal computer market has waned to pitiful single digits, getting fabbing for its chipsets, and further improvements in speed and features? Nah, not happening all that much-because of the problem of getting fabbing for such comparatively small runs.

Sure, Jobs had “promised” (to some squealing from Macrodific users 🙂 last June to deliver Intel-based “Macs” (that just looks weird sitting there on the page: “Intel-based Macs”), but apparently, the Intel architecture is so easy to work with Apple’s ahead of schedule (*heh*).

Then, there’s the bow to Intel dominance in announcing new Intel versions of popular Mac-Mac (as opposed to Intel-Mac or MacIntel *snirk*) softwares.

Change ships and call the new one by the old name. Sure. It works in politics, so why not in personal computing? My only thought is, if he’s going to try selling an Intel computer running a Unix-based OS, why should people not just save a BIG chunk of cash and get a plain box PC and pop in something easy like Ubuntu Linux or Mandriva Linux or (for the ease of use, “Aunt Tilly” users) Linspire? Folks who don’t mind a little “rolling your own” work could easily use Redhator one of the other Linuxes or even Free BSD.

A McIntel personal computer. Nah. Not for me. YMMV, of course.

On other funtech fronts: Kinda enjoying my homebrew firewall/router. Was getting a lot of worm attack attempts from Chinese servers and was able to block a whole range of Asia/pacific Rim IP addresses that are known sources of malware/security attacks with just a download/script that updates a database of the worst addresses 3X weekly. Automatically. Nice. Reporting a buncha ping probes from another user IP within my ISP’s network to abuse was fun, too. Lots more detail than other firewalls I’ve used.

Still learning to nav its shell, some of the commands specific to the software and such. Touching base periodically with the user forum. It was pretty easy to build and configure once I decided on what firewalling software I’d use. Used SmoothWall Express 2.0 software. Built a few more network cables. After that, it was pretty easy. Kinda kicking myself for not doing this earlier.

  • Old AT-based server case with monster power supply and AT mobo
  • 64MB memory
  • first handy PCI vidcard I laid my hands on
  • a couple of network cards
  • old floppy and CDROM drives
  • old, spare 15″ monitor (for setup/troubleshooting)
  • keyboard

Was/is fun.

Superstitious Glurge: a rant/OTA Day

Can anyone riddle me this? Why do otherwise normally intelligent people insist on sending out superstitious chain emails? You know, the one’s that start out with some pseudo-inspirational glurge and then promise you a blessing or a curse: a blessing if you forward the thing and a curse if you don’t.

What? Does someone, somewhere, have a voodoo doll of my email address? Ooooo. That’s scary. *yawn*

Of course, some of the participants in such chains are not otherwise normally intelligent people. You know the ones. They forward the thing as an attachment. Usually starts with AOL users doing it and they forward it to other AOL users who then keep up the assinine behavior of forwarding the thing as an attachment. Nested attachments. Do I have to recreate the filter that junks every email I get that has nested attachments? Again?

OTA Wednesday.

Open Trackback Alliance

Link to this post ( and trackback ( “Borrowing” (open theft) from Diane’s Stuff,
“If you use blogging software that doesn’t have “trackback” ability built in, Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pingeris an excellent resource to overcome that small problem as is Kalsey’s Simpletracks.”
Or use Haloscan‘s commenting and trackback service.