Knock me over with a feather

OK, so I’ve resisted moving off blogger for quite some time. Rich, The English Guy, generously offered me hosting and a WordPress setup. Romeocat, of CatHouse Chat, nearly bowled me over when she offered me a Typepad account.

Diane, of Diane’s Stuff managed to do the impossible: she struck me senseless speechless (I had the sense to accept her offer, so it wasn’t “struck senseless”) by sending me the keys to a fully-hosted, already set up WordPress account, complete with the kinds of plugins, etc., that I use. Told me to “…feel free to use any of the features that are available… Or use none of it and tell me to go to hell…”

Like the tag’s an option!


When are people going to start living down to my estimation of the human race? I figure it this way: three times excessively generous folk have offered to relieve me of the cross I bear in fiddling and fooling around with Blogspot. Diane went so far as to present me with a fait accompli—just dumped a fully-hosted WordPress site in my lap, ready made, and left it to me to spurn her gracious gift or not.

The people just blow me away! Where does such gracious and generous behavior come from in a race so seemingly bent on self-destruction (after all, consider: in the U.S. alone, nearly half the electorate voted to commit suicide in ’04!)?

It’s darned near enough to fan the embers of hope for human decency! No! It is enough.

Thank you Rich. Thank you Kat. And thank you Diane for compelling me to face my churlishness in turning down their generosity.

OK, it’ll be a little work, and I may lose some linkage and maybe even one of my readers (OK, one of four ain’t that bad). I’m not tickled pink with the WordPress publishing interface, but I have been testing it out enough on the site to know it’s workable, and Diane has populated the plugins folder with some cool things, so…

Over the course of February, I’ll slowly move things over to that site, probably break the (very nice) template she’s loaded two or three times *heh* and finally end up migrating there until I settle on hosting I want permanently (or perhaps even take over that package, if that’s the option she’d like).

Thanks for moving me off top dead center, Diane. I’ve been looking at hosting packages off and on for the last month and just not wanted to drag my sorry [self] outa my comfort zone (yeh, some of the Blogger stuff hurts, but it’s a comfortable, familiar ache, ya know? :-).

I’ll let folks know when the time comes to turn off the lights here, ‘K?

Things are definitely NOT open for business, but here’s a peek: Sucker punched!

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