
Shut up and let the lady speak!

I find I am in agreement with David Limbaugh more than anyone else concerning the Miers nomination: if the president proposes someone as a judge or justice, the Senate’s role in “advice and consent” should be as close to the Framers’ intent as possible, that is, as Hamilton voiced in The Federalist, determine of they are qualified as to ability and character. Political and philosophical considerations are simply none of the Senate’s business as concerning presidential appointments. (That is to say, a little more bluntly, if the Senate wants appointees to pass some political or philosophical litmus test(s) then the Senate should just bugger off.)

That being said, if the lady’s own representations are to be believed (and no one has—yet! But wait—advanced charges of mendacity in her direction), then, given the unassailable facts of her legal experience and capabilities, she also brings one stellar qualification to the position. Riffing off her experience clerking for Judge Joe Estes of the U.S. District Court for North Texas, she had this to say:
Miers-rule of law
Now, that’s what I want in a judge. Any judge. Someone who will decide a case based solely on the facts and the law. Period. Ya want something else, and that makes you someone who only appreciates the law for what you can twist it into to suit you, that is, someone who ought to belong to the ACLU.

Oh, yeh. Forgot *sigh* A tip o’ the hat to Hugh Hewitt for the link to the Miers questionaire pdf linked above (whence the quick and dirty jpeg of Miers own words).

Linked at Outside the Beltway and Basil’s Blog

Poly-Ticks: an omnibus post

[NOTE: “omnibus—Including or covering many things or classes: an omnibus trade bill.” Guard the Borders, John Kerry’s 180 (see Cao’s post), a well-deserved dig at the ACLU and its ilk and a Fairtax note, plus a few–all in one handy dandy slightly longer than usual post. And no, I’ll NOT post it with an extended entry. So there]

Top four, in no particular order

  • National Security
  • Taxation and the Economy
  • Education and Culture
  • Civil liberties and Justice

But let’s take them in that order, anyway, shall we?

National Security

On the national level, apart from our armed forces, which are doing an admirable job in Iraq and Afghanistan of cutting off the heads of snakes before they enter our country, the federal government is performing not only under par but so badly that the very words “national security” make this observer choke. “Homeland Security”? A farce. A cruel farce. Something on the order of 15 million illegal aliens resident in this country? How can our federal government be considered to be serious about its number one constitutional job when they have no idea who and where these people are? (Or, knowing anything, do nothing serious about the problem.) _1_, _2_

“Homeland Security”? Native Americans (nah, can the PC crap: not American Indians, native Americans—you know, people who were born and raised here, speaking English, etc.) are harassed at airports by officious terrorist aides working for the Thousands Standing Around (making trouble for and transforming good citizens into either cringing sheep or unwilling rebels), do nothing substantive to  enhance security and waste enormous amounts of tax dollars providing full employment to self-made idiots. _3_, _4_, _5_.And those are the good points of Homeland Security.

Taxation and the Economy

I received this in email from fairtax.org

Time to tell Washington that we want the FairTax! If you don’t tell them – nobody will and they will hurt us with more oppressive taxation again! If you have called, faxed or written your congressman on the disappointing results of the tax panel, now is the time to CALL the White House. Tell them NO flat tax, no income tax – ONLY the FairTax. Call today when the panel is meeting!!

After last week’s disappointing news from the Tax Reform Commission, we need to let President Bush know that the FairTax is the only plan that we will accept. There is a story out today saying the panel is entertaining a 30% graduated? Flat tax (still keeping all of the other taxes)! That’s just unbearable and wrong. [see LINK]

“The “X tax” proposal would end taxation of investment income and interest deductions for businesses and individuals. It would also set a single rate for all businesses and allow unlimited write-offs for equipment purchases. Individuals would be taxed only on their wages. In his proposal, Bradford set graduated tax rates on wages with a top rate of less than 30 percent.”

Call! Be polite, be strong, ask for the FairTax and please let them know what state you’re calling from.

The number for the White House switchboard is 202-456-1414 – let’s be sure to light up their switchboard all day Tuesday.

You may also call the “comments “line. Do BOTH today.Call The President’s Comment Line:Monday through Friday 9:00am through 5:00pm EDSTTelephone number 202-456-1111

Get The FairTax Book today! Please visit http://www.fairtax.org/boortz_book.html

If you are as yet unfamiliar with the FairTax proposal, go, get the Linder/Boortz book and read it. Visit the FairTax site linked above (and here) and study the information there. Get involved with your state FairTax organization (if any) or get in on the ground floor of organizing your state FairTax organization. Just do it. See also FairTax linked blogs at Technoratti.

As to other economic issues, start here and then ask yourself, what happens when we “outsource” essential secuurity-related manufacturing/infrastructure to… slave labor in Red China? How is that different to exporting essential infrastructure/manufacturing in general? Are the two interrelated?

Education and Culture

I have a simple two-step proposal for remedying most of the failures of “public education” in the United States.

  • Get Washington D.C. out of your kids’ classrooms. Heck, get your state out of your kids’ classrooms. Return complete control to the local level. Sure, there will be some poorly-funded schools. Some poorly-run. But the overall level of real learning of useful things will rise dramatically when those whose children are in the local schools have a genuine say in the process and when the buck for their children’s education truly does stop with them.
  • Fire all the educrats. School administrators (principals, superintendents) are by and large not useless drones. They are a cancer. A big suck on a sour lemon. They are infectiously stupid. In the classroom, school administrators are the single largest immediate stumbling block in the way of your child’s education. Stupid (or simply incompetent) teachers are way, way down the list. Other educrats include all the blowhards from Washington D.C. on down to the local level as well as most of the brainwashing (and brainwashed) loons in education departments of colleges and universities nationwide.

Get rid of them all and put them in labor camps breaking rocks or something. With their heads, perhaps. As to other cultural issues… aw, gee… We’ve been manufacturing stupidity in public schools for decades, so it’s no wonder mush-mouf (heh), tone-deaf (non-)”singers” dominate the musical culture of our day and movies, TV and even novels (cf. any Dan Brown book) are so often mind-numbingly stupid. And still popular. *sigh* Even Mass Media Podpeople—whose job you might think would entail wordsmithing at some level—can’t speak literate (or even grammatical) English, so why expect popular culture to do better?

And at a more fundamental level, dishonesty and a lack of commitment to any real ethical standard is so endemic in our culture that only a credulous idiot (or an idealist—often synonymous terms *sigh*) would take their neighbor’s word or a handshake “contract” on the most trivial of exchanges, and “everyone knows” that the cop who speeds on the way to his donut break will lie about a convenient (for him) traffic ticket. Enough.

Civil Liberties and Justice

*profound sigh*

When an organization that disingenuously calls itself “The American Civil Liberties Union” campaigns to obstruct free speech* and free exercise of religion, seeks to endanger that greatest of rights—life itself—and can get YOU to pay for their misbehavior, can civil liberties long survive?

When the feds (or state or local) authorities can place serious obstructions and limitations on even Constitutionally-guarranteed rights, are those “rights” even rights any more or have they been remanufactured as licenses?

(*You may experience a momentary cognitive dissonance when clicking that link. Yes, I am saying that flag-burning is NOT speech–unless accompanied by actual, you know, like, WORDS SPOKEN. And pejoration of the term “free speech” into “free expression” is a crime for which the ACLU should burn in hell, along with the assinine Supreme Communists of the United States from the court that ruled in agreement with the ACLU. Destruction of the language of protecting our rights is among the chief of the ACLU’s accomplishments in its goal of ultimately destroying America).

And on the other end of the equation, governments at all levels are doing everything they can to create an atmosphere of what Jerry Pournelle calls “anarcho-tyranny” through encumbering the citizenry with so many laws and regulations that we are all outlaws whether we desire or intend to be or not. Rule of law? Rule of bureaucratic whim. With so many legal snares that NO ONE knows them all, any time a bureaucrat wants to find a way to “get you” he can.  And that kind of chaotic goonery spawns ever more and more scofflaws, as people see that the law is more and more only about whatever you can get away with. See this (or this or this) for another rant on the topic… *sigh*

And who, ultimately (at least in what is putatively a democratic republic) responsible for these problems and their resolutions?Look in the mirror, as I do, and you’ll see who’s responsible.

As long as, as an electorate, we insist on being short-sighted, greedy, lazy S.O.B.s; as long as we as a people continue to tune into THESE S.O.B.s (Mass Media Podpeople-a; Mass Media Podpeople-b; Mass Media Podpeople-c) and their ilk and actually give them any of our air/ear time; and as long as we continue—as an electorate—to evidence our short-sighted, greedy stupidity by electing such as this (where are your records, you lying S.O.B., Jean Fraud sKerry?), then we’ll deserve what we have.

And what we have coming to us.


Update: Edited the lead-in; added to the last paragraph and two lines above.

Also: linked at “Jo’s Cafe, Tuesday Specials”.

…And linked at Cao’s Open Trackback Wednesday party and at Stop the ACLU.

Drive-by Edublog Post

So, heard the one about the “valley girl” who was turned on by guys who spoke a foreign language to her? Well, since she was educated in public schools, raised by MTV and Top 40 listening, it was inevitable.

She fell hard for her sophomore English teacher.

Guard the Borders–Kit’s post

Let this hold your attention for a tad. Kit Jarrell’s Guard the Borders post for today, crossposted here from Euphoric Reality

Some of you may have heard about the woman in Florida who was violently raped by fourteen men at the beginning of this month. Then again, maybe not. The MSM doesn’t want to really touch it. Guess why?

All 14 men were illegal immigrants.

They were originally listed as “White” by the Sheriff’s department. I’ll let you be the judge as to whether that was a correct assessment.

After a veritable email smackdown flood by VDare readers, the Sheriff released a statement. Here’s an excerpt:

A Sheriff’s Office inquiry with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has disclosed that the 14 arrestees are all Guatemalan Nationals and are in the United States illegally. Federal detainers from ICE have been placed on all 14. The federal detainer is in addition to criminal charges in Collier County. For those accused who are sentenced to serve prison time, ICE will begin removal proceedings upon their release from custody.

Due to the grievous nature of this alleged crime and the immigration issues, we have received extraordinary interest and inquiry from people throughout the nation. We will continue to provide factual updates and seek information to complete our investigation and perfect our case. We ask everyone to permit the process to work for a just conclusion and avoid oversimplifying the case, or worse, creating unproductive innuendo and rumor. Anyone with information on this or any crime is asked to contact the Collier County Sheriff’s Office immediately at 774-4434. Updates on this case will be posted to our website, www.colliersheriff.org , in an effort to best communicate our position concerning this incident to all interested persons.

Is the MSM picking up the story yet? Of course not. it doesn’t fit their pro-illegals agenda. News flash for the clueless: These people are not “undocumented workers”. They are, in many cases, criminals. This could have been your daughter. Your sister. Your wife. Your mother. Raped, beaten, and left for dead in the street by a bunch of thugs who aren’t even supposed to be here. It was someone’s daughter that this happened to.

The border problem is out of control. We need to demand answers, demand action. We need to continue to demand it until it happens.

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst, which takes place every Monday on Euphoric Reality. The purpose is to keep immigration issues at the forefront and to apply pressure to our elected officials to get the problem fixed. If you’re concerned about the state of our borders, email kit.jarrell at gmail dot com to join.

Blogs on board…

Blogs Already on Board:

More later on other border news.

Julie Andrews I’m not

A few of my favorite things… not

Trivial yet urgent, niggling and pressing;
Pain in the (a-hem), ugly and messing;
Wild trips to purchase the stuff that I need,
These ain’t a few of my favorite things.

(John Coltrane: “My Favorite Things” sample)
Yeh, before I could do a darned thing else this morning, a trip outa town to get (well, “a trip to get” is almost always joined at the hip with “outa town—in this case, outa the county) a 50-amp circuit breaker so our washer/dryer will a.) spin the water outa that load of clothes Wonder Woman washed last night and b.) dry ‘em.

Better than having a load of clothes just sit there and mold. And don’t tell me we could hang ‘em out.  Nah.  Way too muggy today.


I do the electrical work, sure. But I hate working with the service entrance/service panel. Frankly, I know the safe procedures, know it’s safe when I follow safe procedures. Have the necessary equipment to test for live wires, etc. But. I hate working on that kinda AC voltage.

Still, I know I’m going to finally rewire this whole house (yeh, and have a retired master electrician friend check my work before calling the electric company to put in new 200-amp service) sometime in the next coupla years… Soooo looking forward to hooking up the new service to the new panel. If they’d let me (and they won’t) I’d run all the new stuff outside and just let ‘em hook into me. But nooooo. They’ve gotta run their stuff, then I have to hook up to their live service. *sigh*

Oh, well. Today just started with a 50-amp 220 breaker changeout. No biggie.

But not one-a my favorite things.

On to better things. (Guard the Borders coming up later today.)

(Minor edits, still probably missed some spelling/typos. Coffee deprivation. Need. More. Coffee.)

Sunday Smörgåsbord

Weekend roundup of some of the articles/commentary I found interesting

News relating to the Iraqi vote:

Wapo—reports something positive? The world is coming to an end tomorrow, no doubt…

Even “Terrorist Promo Central” (Reuters) takes a mostly positive tone. (Yep, that confirms it: the world is coming to an end.)

More confirmation of a world turned upside down as the Strib, and The Seattle Times manage to choke out mostly upbeat stories. Wonders never cease.

Of course, the good news from Iraq contrasts starkly with politics here.

Thomas Sowell, “Spoiled brat politics: Part I” and “Spoiled brat politics: Part II”.

Sowell’s comments on spoiled brats leads rather well into David Limbaugh’s observations, “More thoughts on Miers”.

The Anchoress points out the hypocrisy of (“the egregious”*) David Frum of neocon infamy—praised Miers and prophesied her nomination back in the summer, now flip–flopped and attacking her.

*”the egregious Frum” is Jerry Pournelle’s stock reference to someone (oddly, David Frum—heh) who he believes to be unprincipled and unworthy of his place and influence in the public forum. Quite apart from Pournelle’s commentary, the evidence the Anchoress presents of the egregious Frum’s lack of principle is enough to damn him in my eye, were he not already in disfavor with me. (As though the egregious Frum cared. Heh)

TMH’s Bacon Bits rounds up some thought-provoking info on the Asian Bird Flu and illuminating information drawn from experiments with the Spanish influenza virus that caused the 1918 pandemic. I do think some of the comparisons being made to the worldwide flu pandemic of 1918 may be overblown, though. For one thing, sure, transmission via fast and easy transportation systems available today may spread the stuff faster and more widely, but medical technology has advanced too, and so have public health measures. It remains to be seen just how much of the alarmism is Chicken Little behavior and how much is of substance. This is definitely one to follow, and The Mary Hunter is doing yeoman’s work in his posts on the topic—watch his blog for roundups and insight.

Well, there’s a whole big buncha other news and views out there that certainly ought to be included here, but I’m feeling just too darned lazy to post any more.  Read my Blogroll, eh?

Oh, but I can’t close without this. Hie thee to The Carnival of the recipes #61.  It’s a very special Ramadan edition!!!


Oh, and you’ll kick yourself if you miss some of the fine posts noted over at Stop the ACLU’s Open Trackback Sunday.

Let’s get the finger pointing at the real culprit, shall we?

As more and more manufacturing leaves these shores for slave labor shops in China…

Visit JibJab and CLICK on the Big Box Mart (you know who they really mean).

But ask yourself the question JibJab alludes to but elides over: who, really, is responsible for the loss of manufacturing to slave labor (yeh, I know much is merely low-paying sweatshop labor, but some truly is slave labor—prison slave labor) in China: “Big Box Mart” or the greedy cheap bastards like you and me who shop there for cheap crap—NOT made by the same folks as before, and usually not made as well as before?

As with threats to our political or religious freedoms, the long term, serious threats to our economic freedoms are not from Bid Bidness, government, politicians, Mass Media Podpeople or socialist/communist NGOs but from ourselves.

Linked at The Political Teen

Signs of life

Well bumfuzzle me and call me a twapsidoodle…

“Warning: Don’t ever change a value in the registry. Ever. We know we just told you to do that, but would you jump off a cliff if we told you to? Don’t ever change a value in the registry. Don’t even say the word registry. We know a guy once who said the word registry, and three days later he was hit by a bus. True story. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t even have a registry on your computer. If you suspect that you do have a registry on your computer, call us and a trained professional will be dispatched to your office to remove the registry immediately. If you accidentally touch the registry, wash your hands with soap and water and call a doctor. Do not swallow the registry or get it in your eyes!”

Where in the world did that come from? you ask. (Of course you do.)


Will wonders never cease? Life. At Microsoft.

Understanding the Anti-/Pro-Miers Demographics

This Opinion Journal “Letter to the Editor” is deliciously insightful. (h.t. Jerry Pournelle reader/contributor, Rod Schaffter)

How can you tell if a conservative is pro- or anti-Miers? Based on my conversations with conservative friends this week, here’s a good rule of thumb. Ask the conservative to define the following words or phrases and see what he says.
Anti-Miers: A handheld device that allows you to get e-mail and access the Internet. The biggest problem is when the battery runs low. You solve the problem by carrying a charger.
Pro-Miers: A delicious berry that you find in the woods. The biggest problem is that bears love them too. You solve that problem by carrying a .44 Magnum.
Anti-Miers: A popular TV show that looked at cultural and sexual mores.
Pro-Miers: People you invite over to your house
“$20 Snifter of Cognac”
Anti-Miers: Not a bad price for a great brandy at a nice bar.
Pro-Miers: An outrageous price for a drink. Where we people live, you can get a two-pound T-bone steak dinner and a drink for $20.
“Meet the Press”
Anti-Miers: Must-see TV.
Pro-Miers: We are too busy going to church. Besides, who really cares what they say?
Anti-Miers: A period of increased cultural sensitivity when you have to wish people a “Happy Holiday” instead of “Merry Christmas” for fear of offending them.
Pro-Miers: Merry Christmas!
“A List”
Anti-Miers: The type of party you want to be invited to.
Pro-Miers: What you don’t want to get from your wife on Saturday morning.
“Assault Weapons”
Anti-Miers: A class of weapons that anti-Miers conservatives use in their legal arguments concerning the meaning and extent of the Second Amendment. Although anti Miers conservatives favor the ownership of assault weapons, they probably have never touched or fired one.
Pro-Miers: A nice varmint gun, although it doesn’t have enough range or accuracy to shoot wary prairie dogs. They aren’t as good as Dad’s old M1 Garand.
Anti-Miers: A Broadway play.
Pro-Miers: One of the things that makes America great.
“Antonin Scalia”
Anti-Miers: A brilliant legal scholar with libertarian tendencies. A good Supreme Court justice.
Pro-Miers: Who? Oh, the guy who hunts with the vice president and belongs to a gun club in Virginia. A good Supreme Court justice.
“The Buzz”
Anti-Miers: What “everybody who is anybody” is talking about.
Pro-Miers: What hornets, bees, wasps and yellow jackets do.
Anti-Miers: A method for thinning wildlife populations that allows a rural American tradition to continue.
Pro-Miers: A chance to get together with some friends on a weekend and have a good time. We never let the hunting get in the way of having fun, however.
Anti-Miers: A metaphor for the American tendency to act aggressively. What makes America a great power.
Pro-Miers: The guy we see at the diner, who works on a ranch or travels the rodeo circuit. A term that is rarely applied, and when it is, is a compliment.
“John Deere”
Anti-Miers: A riding lawn mower.
Pro-Miers: A tractor.
“Paris Hilton”
Anti-Miers: A cultural icon.
Pro-Miers: A hotel in France. Although I wouldn’t know, because why would I want to go to Paris on vacation when I can go camping?
“Big Bore”
Anti-Miers: A person who corners you at an A List cocktail party.
Pro-Miers: A rifle that you need for hunting elephant or cape buffalo.

A lot of that sounds uncomfortably close… heh

Fiendishly clever…

Precision Guided Humor Assignment from The Alliance of Free Blogs: Devise a “better” strategic plan for Al-Qaeda.

Ah, this is a fiendishly clever assignment… on the one hand, it’d be easy to devise a plan that would yield success for Al-Qaeda by 2008 or 2009. On the other hand, devising a plan that would sucker Al-Qaeda into thinking they’d achieved success while simply miring them further in defeat is a different critter.

Let’s just address the easy one. I think they already have the other one covered.

Train all Al-Qaeda operatives to say “No hablo Ingles” in convincing Mexican accents. (OK, that part may be hard; after all, we’re not talking about people who approach WalMart class intellects, here.) Send them over the border with Mexico along with the Great Tide of La Raza and get ’em settled in with full welfare benefits, as registered Democraps, etc. Heck, multi-register to vote under multiple variations of MoHAMedic names honoring their woo-hoo moon god or whatever.

Bingo! Instant landslide for Billary and the “defeat America” crowd hosted by the Democrapic Party, Mooooveon.orgy, the Demoncrapic Untermensch, The Anti Constitutional Lawyers Union, et al. The Republicants can be driven from the land; churches closed; TV, Hollyweird and the RIAA closed down (OK, so the news wouldn’t be all bad); Islamic “jurisprudence” put in place.  The whole megilla.

It. Could. Work!