Plus de discours de fart de Jean Faud sKerry

From the mouth of the jackass posing as the Junior Bloviator from Taxachussetts:

“We know next to nothing about the legal philosophy of the person President Bush has selected to replace Justice O’Connor casting the deciding votes on the most difficult issues confronting our nation,” said Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.)._1_

Say what?

This from a guy who promised last year to release his full military records—since, after all, his whole campaign was built on his “war hero” record—then said he had released his records, then in January of this year, promised once again to release his full records, and finally did release hi full records… to his biographer (who says he can’t talk about them) and a couple of sKerry-friendly media outlets that’ll only say, “Trust us. There’s nothing there.”

He says we know next to nothing about the legal philosophy of Miers. Guess he hasn’t read this:

Miers-rule of law

Meanwhile, all we know about Jean Fraud sKerry is that his record has “holes and gaps, lacks and losses, absences and insipidies and the like” which seem to emphasize—in the face of Jean Fraud’s on-the-record lies and slanders—that he is a lying S.O.B who crapped out and betrayed his “brothers in arms.”

We know where the B.S. is; where’s the beef, Jean Fraud?

No More sKerry BS_button

Note Cao’s information, her post today and the blogroll below if you’d like to gig Jean Fraud to release his records, as he has repeatedly promised to do.

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

What do you listen with?

Curmudgeon mode: on.

Lunch. Listening to the first movement of Mahler’s Symphony #1. (BTW, it’s available for a liten at the Beeb. Just poke around a while in the “radio” files. Most of ’em are real Audio–which I despise–but play well with the OLD windows Media player. heh)

Anyway, listening (and recording–why not?) it struck me that I’m also listening in my head to a Leinsdorf-directed version. I do that. I hear what is happening (recording or live) but what I really hear is what’s in my head. The Beeb’s symphony is good. Well worth a listen. I happen to live with Leinsdorf’s version in my head more.

And that’s really how I listen to music: with one’s memory and mental “ears” tuning, comparing, editing in and out of the performance to hear the best. From what I can tell, most folks don’t really listen to music. Oh, they hear what’s going on, sorta. The beat affects them and some of the other sounds–maybe lyrics or whatever. But, if recording sales are any indication, what sells is stuff people can’t really be listening to. If they listened to it carefully (and had ears to hear and tonal, rhythmic and linguistic development to understand what they were hearing), most top 40 “artists” would be living on skid row.


go to my blogroll and CLICK on Keep the Coffee Coming. (Or, what the heck, just CLICK on the link in the previous sentence. heh). Listen to some of the music she blogs. Compare and contrast the artistry of most of the folks she posts to the crap manufactured for top 40 rcordings. There’s (usually, for almost all the songs Kat posts) a qualitative difference in prosody, melodic composition, instrumental artistry and the simple ability to reproduce pitch accurately of the music Kat posts as against the crap being churned out for big CD sales/radio play nowadays.

The problem is that all too many consumers have crap for ears. And what’s between their ears is so degraded (in ability to understand what the music they listen to is) that they don’t even know it.

Sad, really. Because better music would also help those who listen to it be more able to handle abstract thought. (ClICK HERE for just one of many lists of articles about the benefits of good music on thinking and learning) Hmmm… could it be that that is the key to Red State intelligence? Despite the crap lyrics and even crappier vowell and consonant production of so-called “country” singers, they at least still produce music that has (usually) a good sense of tonality, decent prosody, more logical structures and better-quality harmonies than other crap. Higher quality crap music=higher quality crap thinking? maybe…

Curmudgeon mode: staying on…