La di da: Harriet Miers is queen for a day

Well, apparently Bush has picked O’Connor’s replacement on the SCOTUS.

Some are underwhelmed, disappointed, even angry. (And sadly, some are proving that not ALL the moonbats are on the Left. *sigh*) Stop the ACLU has a good roundup.

I’m at the point where I almost don’t care any more who is appointed to the Supreme Communists of the United States. Until Congress and the President (whoever is in those branches) grow the stones to say to the present day SCOTUS as Andrew Jackson reportedly said of the Worchester v. Georgia decision in 1832 (“John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it”) we’ll continue to have a SCOTUS (and other courts) sticking their noses in where they don’t belong.

Of course, if President Bush had proposed the “flaming conservative” (*G*) polemicist Ann Coulter (“Off with their heads!” 🙂 for the position , I might be singing another tune. heh Ann Coulter. Supreme Court. At least it’d be fun! 🙂

UPDATE: Oh, boo-freakin’-hoo. Redstate is foaming at the mouth because back in 1987 and 1988 Miers apparentlygave a grand total (for the two years) of $3,000 to two Democratic candidates and one Dem-related PAC. 1987 and 1988. Gee. Can Stalinist style purges be far off? Grow up guys. That was in 19-freakin’-87 and ’88! *sheesh* What babies. Who cares? Other foaming-at-the-mouth rabid horses’ patooties? Bush could get a ham sandwich appointed to the court and it’d not change a thing. It’s self-castrated blowhard poltroon congresscritters and eunuchs posing as presidents that give the SCOTUS (and the other courts) their excessive power. OK, maybe I exaggerated a tad. It’s self-castrated so-called “conservative” congresscritters and presidents. The so-called (but entirely phony) “liberals” encorage the practice of judicial legislation cos it takes the onus of actually enacting their agenda democratically off the Democrats’ backs. /Irony.

Rabbit trail: Fav political oxymorons. Democratic Democrat. Conservative Republican. (Heck, republican Republican!) *sigh*

“This country has lost control of its borders. And no country can sustain that kind of position.” – President Ronald Reagan

Kit Jarrell of Euphoric Reality is doing yeoman’s work with the Guard the Borders Blogburst.

Here’s a portion of Kit’s post for tomorrow’s today’s blogburst. Be sure to read the whole thing at Euphoric reality. Oh, and I have a bit to add below the fold…
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Kit speaks:

John Longenecker wrote an article last June about the Texas Minutemen. He hits the nail on the head in so many areas – not just the fact that “illegal immigration is bad”, but the reasons why liberals don’t understand our need to protect the borders.

Where liberals fail is, in part, in their refusal to see the consequences of their own acts of interference, but will hold others accountable for something as small as announcing their resisting. The Liberal mind-set cannot allow them to see how they are the cause of the problem they complain about, and their immaturity won’t permit them to see how righteous the resistance to their interference is.

He likens the liberals to children, and I agree.

The double standard of the liberals is that conservatives are held to answer because liberals think of non-liberals as adults, while liberals are not held to answer because they perceive themselves as kids. What they fail to comprehend in their teenager mentalities is that the response they object to (such as the Minutemen) is a perfectly healthy and normal adult answer to their unending intrusion, provocation and the injustice of their interference when people have had enough.


Also, after reading Kit’s post and cruising the blogroll (below), check out

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

Minuteman Alert – Minuteman Watch Border 24×7!

“This country has lost control of its borders. And no country can sustain that kind of position.” – President Ronald Reagan

Record numbers of Minutemen from all over the country have reported on the southern U.S. border with Mexico and the northern U.S. border with Canada to once again gather to Secure Our Border and do the job our Government won’t do and Watch the Border 24×7 for 31 days!

They’re doing a great work, as well.

This has been part of the Guard the Borders blogburst. GTB hits Euphoric Reality every Monday, and seeks to promote awareness about the illegal immigration epidemic that our country is facing and the desperate need to curb the problem before it’s too late. If you’d like to join the blogburst, send an email to with your blog’s name and URL.

Blogs already on board: