Eye R a gud riter

When I saw this post at Random Rambling, it reminded me of an irritating sentence I had read in a novel recently.

Now, you might think a sentence like “All who work His will are not among your host,” wouldn’t cause a great deal of irritation, but in context it was an indication that the writer had his head up his… ahem, when he wrote the sentence. And how in the world it slipped past copy editor, I’d not know. The sentence clearly indicates a subject “All who work His will” that is NOT included in the object “your host”. Pretty clear: one group has no members in the other group. But from the context one can tell that what the writer meant was “Not all who work His will are among your host.” Not an equivalent statement to the first one.

Gee. Normally I enjoy the daylights outa that writer’s work. But when he writes crap like that, it’s at the very least distracting, irritating. Thereafter, I was on the lookout for the next failure in logical thought, which kinda put a crimp in the old “suspension of disbelief” necessary for thorough enjoyment of the novel. Sure enough; I found plenty more where that came from… *sigh*

On a blog—a kinda informal journal such as this one or most of those I read regularly—I’d not expect careful wordsmithing, but coming from a guy who makes his living crafting stories, writing like that is just lazy, sloppy, a big suck on a sour lemon.

And no, I’m not mentioning the writer’s name, cos his other books have been better-written than this one. I guess everyone has a lazy spell, eh?

“It was the best of times… “

Happy blogiversary to me.

Yep. On October 6, 2004, this blog was born. Typical “What am I doing here” first post. Take a few secs to go back and get a taste of how this third world county thing began. Ahhh, those were the days…

UPDATE: *LOL* So, I knew my blogiversary was approaching (whatever post someone made the other day that reminded me of it–can’t recall where–thanks). So, what did I do yesterday in prep? Last night I checked stats different places–Technoratti, Statcounter, Sitemeter and the TTLB Ecosystem. Neat. In the eight months since I started using Statcounter, it’s recorded over 20,000 unique visitors. Of course, it’s just counting cookies n such, so that’s just Kentucky windage. Sitemeter’s proportional to that, although I started it a while later when I put in the TTLB code. Technoratti showed nearly 800 links from over 200 different sites. And the TTLB Ecosystem showed 208 links. Went back a few minutes ago to copy off some stats to put in this blogiversary post and all of ’em were up some, except for the TTLB Ecosystem, which now shows me with 14 links. Hmmm… 208 yesterday and 14 today. Large Mammal yesterday and Adorable Rodent today. Maybe be a lotta folks delinked me since last night? No, Technoratti shows a gain of a few. Must be because TTLB KNOWS I hate being “adorable” anything. heh

Happy blogiversary indeed. 🙂

Oh, well, not in this for the glory anyway. Still just in it to silence the voices in my head. 🙂

UPDATE #2: OK, so this is weird. Honest: cos of upcoming blogiversary, I checked as per above. TTLB: 208 unique inbound links last night, 14 this a.m. Now? 113. (where the 95 or so missing links from last night went? I think the evolutionists hijacked them.) 1290 or something ranking last night; 4590-something this a.m. 1050, now. 16 “better” than William of Normandy’s date with history…

I’m sure glad the TTLB thingy is just for fun, cos it’s sure strange. Oh, yeh, I had the deal explained to me about why the TTLB server doesn’t know about my actual level of traffic, now. No biggie there, either. I rarely know what my stats are there, either. heh Both my regular readers know how deeply I care about high traffic. 🙂


Nope. That’s not gold

Hie thee over to DragonLady’s World (“An All-American Southern Geek”) if you want some no-holds-barred straight talk. It’s worth a CLICK or three. Heck, I stole found this from there:


I’m wondering where Dragon Lady turned up this lil piece of evidence that we have Leprechauns here in America’s Third World County™… (there’s no gold in these here hills… ) Get more good stuff over there, eh?

Oh, BTW (you’d think after a year I’d have a handle on this stuff, eh? :-), hat tip to Diane of the eponymous Diane’s Stuff

A generous spirit

A Precision Guided Humor Assignment from The Alliance of Free Blogs

How can we help the terrorists celebrate Ramadan?

Golly, keep giving out easy ones like this and who’ll wanna play?


In the spirit of true American generosity, we should have a squad of marines assigned to each mosque in the middle east (ok, there are lots of mosques; may have to double up a bit) tasked with delivering a case of Spam to each mosque as our gift to splodydope terrorist pukes.

That’ll teach ‘em. 😉

(Yeh, I also pimped this post at Cao’s Open Trackback Friday post. So? 🙂

Official voice of the Democratic party: Clinton says Iraq is a quagmire.

quag·mire (kw?g’m?r’, kw?g’-)


Land with a soft muddy surface.
A difficult or precarious situation; a predicament.

Hmmm… if he means the first definition it’s not gonna fit very well until the swamps Saddam had drained are fully restored (and even then, what to do about the rest of Iraq?).  No, the first definition’s out.

How about the second? I dunno.  Could be. Remember, Clinton has personal experience with The Quagmire in the Little Blue Dress…

h.t. Drudge… who else?

I love it when a plan comes together

Time out yesterday was a good thing.

Yesterday was time out for more than just blogging. Was lotsa time scratching my head and pondering just how to make Lovely Daughter’s car “right”.  Finally singled out a portion of the electrical system that methinks was engineered by a pack of drunken monkeys. Time designing (all in my head—I don’t generally write or draw a lot when I’m in shade tree mechanic mode) a new subsystem, scrounging around in my spare parts collection, cobbling together something MUCH better than the OEM parts I was determined to replace.

Payoff?  I just got a call from Lovely Daughter as she’s on her way to work reporting all the stuff she hadn’t known her car would do that it can now do…  She’s gone from (an entirely understandable) “I don’t want to drive this car!” to a sound of bubbly joy.


Accidental genius.  I love it when a plan comes together.

Catchup day today.

Fred on the “poverty excuse”

An answer to the misbehavior of some in New Orleans after Katrina had passed being excused because of their so-called poverty…

Go read Fred Reed’s answer. Then tell me what ya think, eh? Here’s a sample:

“Poor, you see, is not the same as, nor does it imply, nor justify, passive, thieving, dependent, and benighted.”

Really? Who’d a thunk it?  And BTW, it doesn’t excuse ignorance, either:

“I note in passing that anyone who wishes can learn to read, short of the genuinely retarded. Illiteracy is a choice. So is ignorance.”

I disagree with Fred pretty frequently (not that he cares, of course ;-), but, IMO, this column is so bang on accurate it ought to be carved on bats and (oh so kindly) beat into the heads of congresscritters and Mass Media Podpeople. For a start.