Where is a Henry II when you need one?

“Will no-one rid me of th[ese] troublesome [High Priest Vulture Elite] priest[s]?*

An American diplomat, posting anonymously as “Diplomad” from the part of the world most affected by the recent tsunami, rants about the UNhelpful, UNtruthful, UNethical, UNscrupulous UN “presence”. WARNING: he speaks his mind clearly, forthrightly and with considerable venom. (And for this reason, he posts anonymously, for did he not, he’d be out on his ear before his post hit the fan, as it were… )


About time the UN was served an eviction notice and told to leave our shores, cos we need the space (and our tax dollars) for better things.

*a deliberate corruption of Henry II’s outburst that led to four knights interpreting the king’s will as “Kill Becket.” Hmmm… seems like we not only need a Henry II but a few doughty knights, as well if we are to deal with the High Priest Vulture Elite of the UN.

An UNreview of M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Village”

Waiting on Godot? “Godot ain’t here, man.”

M. Night Shyamalan’s movies… what can I say? Here are the movies I’ve seen by M. Night Shyamalan:

Signs (2002) Read much sci-fi? If you’ve read as much sci-fi/speculative fiction as I have, then this was likely as boring and predictable for you as it was for me. Not to mention the fact that it was full of really lame schticks, a severely flawed premise, etc. One of the absolutely dumbest movies I have ever seen. It even failed to be a camp “B” movie, because of its technical production values and attempt to be “serious”. Just a plain, flat stupid movie. Completely wasted $$ seeing it in a theater. But I should have known better, because…

Unbreakable (2000) was almost as bad. [sigh]. Fortunately, I saw (a blessedly short part of) this on TV and was able to simply CLICK to something less mind-numbingly dumb. Heck, Chris Matthews would have qualified on that score!

Stuart Little (1999) OK, what can you do with a children’s book based on a wildly stupid premise? This was cute [“cute”—shudder!]. OK, I’m cheating to include this one, too. I just couldn’t stand to watch the whole thing, no matter what the rest of the family wanted to do. Bo-ring.

The Sixth Sense (1999) Was anyone shocked to discover that the Bruce Willis character was one of the “dead people” the kid saw? You were?!?!? Rode the short bus to school, eh?

I think there were a couple more I “missed” (but only because I couldn’t hit them).

Now, can anyone give me one reason why I should spend $3.21 (counting taxes) at the local video store to rent The Village? Or even watch it on TV? It’ll have another totally lame “surprise” that fits the M. Night Shyamalan movie formula. A cretin will be able to figure the premise and the surprise out before the first 10 minutes of the film have passed, and any person of average inteligence will be bored to tears within 30 minutes. The characters will be caricatures of stick-figure cartoons drawn by mentally-deficient troglodytes. The film itself will have the typical M. Night Shyamalan bleakness and be devoid of anything enlightening or uplifting.

If I want to experience something comparable, I guess I could stick my head in a dirty truckstop toilet for about 90 minutes.

Or watch Chris Matthews for 15 minutes (or Dan Blather for 5).

Thanks, but I’ll pass.

Stolen Resolve

I had to steal someone else’s resolution this year, cos I’m already perfect, ya know. Well, apart from that “theft” thing… [heh]

Someone came up with a New Year’s resolution I think I can keep.
Can’t credit it, cos I recieved it in email from someone who
doesn’t know where it came from…


The Doctor told me I should start an exercise program.

Not wanting to harm this old body, I’ve “resolved” to do the following:

Beat around the bush
Jump to conclusions
Climb the walls
Wade through the morning mail

Drag my heels
Push my luck
Make mountains out of mole hills
Hit the nail on the head

Bend over backwards
Jump on the Band Wagon
Run around in circles

Advise the President on how to run the country
Toot my own horn
Pull out all the stops
Add fuel to the fire

Open a can of worms
Put my foot in my mouth
Start the ball rolling
Go over the edge

Pick up the pieces!!

Kneel in prayer
Bow my head in thanksgiving
Uplift my hands in praise
Hug someone and encourage them.