The very definition of ambivalence

What? Is it wrong for me to experience a frisson of satisfaction?

This spoof video is apparently making the rounds in email. Unfortunately, the email it’s making the rounds attached to falsely “accuses” Volkswagon of making the “ad.” VW did not make or authorize the “ad.”

OTOH, I might even be more kindly disposed toward VW if the “ad” had originated from them. it depicts a splodydope (read: “suicide bomber”) doing his thing in a VW Polo he’s parked outside a sidewalk cafe.

There’s a flash of light inside the car–an apparent explosion–that is completely contained by the VW Polo, then the Polo tagline: “Polo. Small but tough.”

OK, here’s my ambivalence. Sure, it’s “tasteless.” It trivializes the acts of splodydopes who have wreaked havoc with so many lives. OTOH, it trivializes and ridicules splodydopes as… doofuses, first-class dummies,. And it does introduce the idea of splodydopes removing their defective genetic material from the gene pool without collateral damage to others.


On balance, maybe (but just maybe) the spoof ad is not fit for general consumption. But oh! if only the VW Polo were

1.) really that tough and
2.) the best-selling car among splodydopes…

(Thx, Whizbang, for the info.)

45 Million Victims of Violence

Where’s the outrage on the left?

I made an altogether too-obtuse reference yesterday to the 32nd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade-induced murders of 45 million innocent lives and the indifference of the LLMB, and indeed nearly all who claim they are liberal (but who are, instead, the most illiberal sort of all) to the murder of innocents, all the while whining about the cleansing of society by the removal of convicted murderers.

Let me just point out the absolute logic of such a stance. Were such vile persons to NOT protest capital punishment, I would be surprised. After all, as aiders and abbetors in the murder of 45 million innocent lives (and in many cases, active participants in those murders), they protest the death penalty for murder in their own self-interest. Were human life truly valued to the extent that extreme sanction were applied to willful murder universally in our society, then their position that the willful murder of innicent babies might come under sharper scrutiny.

And that’s where the outrage over 45 million victims of violence went for the left… It disappeared into the voracious maw of their selfish worship… of themselves..