Soylent green

No thanks. I’ll pass on the grey poupon…

Guest blogger RightWingDuck, posting for Frank J at IMAO, has a list of New Years Resolutions he’d make for other people, such as,

“Michael Moore
He should eat more… ”

Hmmm. how about Hollyweird? I imagine he’d like it with a little Heinz catsup, and it isn’t as though Hollyweird would be any great loss. After being processed by Moore, it’d be back as good as new… in the end.

“When you wish upon a star… “

James Wolcott’s dreams come true in tsunami

(HT: Right Wing News ) Vanity Fair Contributing Editor, James Wolcott speaking about the last hurricane to sweep Florida and the Gulf coast:

“I root for hurricanes. When, courtesy of the Weather Channel, I see one forming in the ocean off the coast of Africa, I find myself longing for it to become big and strong–Mother Nature’s fist of fury, Gaia’s stern rebuke. Considering the havoc mankind has wreaked upon nature with deforesting, stripmining, and the destruction of animal habitat, it only seems fair that nature get some of its own back and teach us that there are forces greater than our own.”

Well, James, how’s it going with the rooting for natural disaster, now?

What nasty buggers such as Wolcott and other pseudo-intellectual enviro-nazis are.

Ironic, eh?

There are none so blind…

While I appreciate—no! strongly approve!—of the actions and sentiment of these New Nampshire residents who protested against the UN by burning some UN flags, I cannot but wonder at the irony:

“What I object to about the U.N. is that they try to tell America what to do, and take our tax dollars to do it.”—Russell Kanning

Yeh? And how, really, is that different to fedgov agencies telling people thay can’t build on their own land because there’s a puddle some obscure species of mosquito breeds in? Or (take your pick) any number of the other multitude of meddling measures enacted by congresscritters and expanded on by bureaucrats that are entirely ourside any Constitutional authority? Do they not take our tax dollars and try to tell us what to do with our own lives in ways objectionable to any person who was born free? After all, it’s the fedgov that takes your tax dollars and gives them to Kofi, et al, to use as a bludgeon against us.

Protest the U.N. Sure, that’s fine. Better to protest a government that is willfully exceeding its own legitimate authority, not the least by its support of the U.N.