The Prancing Pony or… “The Breck Girl”?

Oh. Dear. Just go here to watch the Prancing Pony making much ado about… his “do”.

As Slate put it,

“For a guy who’s been known derisively to the Bush crowd as the Breck girl,” observes [Harry] Shearer, vice presidential candidate John Edwards seems “way too interested in his hair.” He tries to straighten it with his fingers. A makeup technician approaches with a comb, but the senator likes it just so and does the combing himself. He signals he’s ready for hair spray by closing his eyes expectantly, like a child. Then Edwards and the technician straighten a little more with their fingers. Please don’t tell me that thing in his hand is a compact. Oh, dear. It is.

The Prancing Pony or… “The Breck Girl”?

Oh. Dear. Just go here to watch the Prancing Pony making much ado about… his “do”.

As Slate put it,

“For a guy who’s been known derisively to the Bush crowd as the Breck girl,” observes [Harry] Shearer, vice presidential candidate John Edwards seems “way too interested in his hair.” He tries to straighten it with his fingers. A makeup technician approaches with a comb, but the senator likes it just so and does the combing himself. He signals he’s ready for hair spray by closing his eyes expectantly, like a child. Then Edwards and the technician straighten a little more with their fingers. Please don’t tell me that thing in his hand is a compact. Oh, dear. It is.


Before I get to the point of this post, let me state, contra my considered mode of operation, one credential. Years ago, in fact several years before I finished my B.M., in general agreement with my entire Western Civ class (well, at least there were no dissenters) the profs awarded me an honorary degree: my Ph.D.B.S. (yes, a doctorate in bovine scatology) for my accomplishments in the field of bullshitting. (Well, why not? The class was predominantly discussion of readings and essay exams. An ideal fit for my natural talents.)

Since that day, I have honed my skills in the field through post-doctoral work stroking professors on the way to a couple of other degrees (one, the aforementioned B.M.); stroking bosses who couldn’t find their own buttocks with a map, a flashlight and a guide; talking to politicians in their native tongue; in insurance sales; etc. In fact, it seems every good thing (including bamboozling my wife into marrying me and sticking around) has resulted either from divine intervention or a liberal application of bullshitting.

IOW, I have all the experience I need to recognize bull shit when I hear it.

And that brings me to my point. Jean Fraud sKerry is widely touted by his minions and by mass media podpeople (but I repeat myself, as M.T. said of idiots and congressmen*…) as having a great intellect, of being able to percieve and deal with the complexities of the modern world. But as I listen to sKerry’s “nuanced” comments, all i hear is hot air, liberally punctuated by flat-out lies, as well as less than adoit bullshit.

That’s right. It’s my assertion that not only is sKerry not all that bright but that his dimness is hid from other useful idiots not only by many highly transparent lies but by some rather poor bullshitting.. Good bullshit has an internal consistency that will cause even the most observant person to believe—if only momentarily, or until they check— that what is being said is at least plausible, instead of, as with sKerry’s pronouncements, resulting in only the most gullible swallowing the whole pig.

And this is yet another thing I find offensive about Monsieur Jean Fraud sKerry: he even gives bullshit a bad rap.

The M.T. comment mentioned earlier:

*”Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself”. –Mark Twain


Before I get to the point of this post, let me state, contra my considered mode of operation, one credential. Years ago, in fact several years before I finished my B.M., in general agreement with my entire Western Civ class (well, at least there were no dissenters) the profs awarded me an honorary degree: my Ph.D.B.S. (yes, a doctorate in bovine scatology) for my accomplishments in the field of bullshitting. (Well, why not? The class was predominantly discussion of readings and essay exams. An ideal fit for my natural talents.)

Since that day, I have honed my skills in the field through post-doctoral work stroking professors on the way to a couple of other degrees (one, the aforementioned B.M.); stroking bosses who couldn’t find their own buttocks with a map, a flashlight and a guide; talking to politicians in their native tongue; in insurance sales; etc. In fact, it seems every good thing (including bamboozling my wife into marrying me and sticking around) has resulted either from divine intervention or a liberal application of bullshitting.

IOW, I have all the experience I need to recognize bull shit when I hear it.

And that brings me to my point. Jean Fraud sKerry is widely touted by his minions and by mass media podpeople (but I repeat myself, as M.T. said of idiots and congressmen*…) as having a great intellect, of being able to percieve and deal with the complexities of the modern world. But as I listen to sKerry’s “nuanced” comments, all i hear is hot air, liberally punctuated by flat-out lies, as well as less than adoit bullshit.

That’s right. It’s my assertion that not only is sKerry not all that bright but that his dimness is hid from other useful idiots not only by many highly transparent lies but by some rather poor bullshitting.. Good bullshit has an internal consistency that will cause even the most observant person to believe—if only momentarily, or until they check— that what is being said is at least plausible, instead of, as with sKerry’s pronouncements, resulting in only the most gullible swallowing the whole pig.

And this is yet another thing I find offensive about Monsieur Jean Fraud sKerry: he even gives bullshit a bad rap.

The M.T. comment mentioned earlier:

*”Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself”. –Mark Twain

“Man’s Search for Meaning”

“The meaning of our existence is not invented by ourselves, but rather detected.”–Viktor Frankl

Co-inkydink? Well, on a macro level, of course it was. But to be human is to see patterns, make connections, sometimes where there are none.

So… there I was, reading a novel by Elizabeth Moon, Rules of Engagement, and took, as I sometimes do, a break to get a snack—in this case an almond butter and strawberry jam sandwich— check email, a couple of blogs. One of the blogs lead me to an article by Chris Rose, “Rules of Engagement.”

Connection? Only the titles. But still… The desire to detect patterns, to see meaning in those patterns—even where there may be no pattern, no connection, no meaning—is a very human thing.

“Man’s Search for Meaning”

“The meaning of our existence is not invented by ourselves, but rather detected.”–Viktor Frankl

Co-inkydink? Well, on a macro level, of course it was. But to be human is to see patterns, make connections, sometimes where there are none.

So… there I was, reading a novel by Elizabeth Moon, Rules of Engagement, and took, as I sometimes do, a break to get a snack—in this case an almond butter and strawberry jam sandwich— check email, a couple of blogs. One of the blogs lead me to an article by Chris Rose, “Rules of Engagement.”

Connection? Only the titles. But still… The desire to detect patterns, to see meaning in those patterns—even where there may be no pattern, no connection, no meaning—is a very human thing.

Character is THE Issue, Part II

In a recent interview in HumanEventsOnline Col. George E. “Bud” Day, the “most highly decorated living veteran officer” America has, outlines why he is campaigning against the election of Jean Fraud sKerry. In short, it’s sKerry’s character. “Bud” Day, who certainly ought to know if anyone does, insists that sKerry does not have the qualities of character to be Commander-in-Chief of America’s armed forces. As a man with over 50 combat-related awards in three wars (WWII, Korea and Vietnam), including the Medal of Honor, Col. Day has both the credentials and the well-earned right to question sKerry’s character.

John McCain has famously said questioning sKerry’s honor is “dishonest and dishonorable.” I wonder what he will say now, since Col. Day was his commanding officer in the North Vietnam prison where they were both held prisoner… Will McCain question “Bud” Day’s honor, too?

Just read the entire interview… and go see the ad at (or download the ad and view it). More ads here: Ads page

Character is THE Issue, Part II

In a recent interview in HumanEventsOnline Col. George E. “Bud” Day, the “most highly decorated living veteran officer” America has, outlines why he is campaigning against the election of Jean Fraud sKerry. In short, it’s sKerry’s character. “Bud” Day, who certainly ought to know if anyone does, insists that sKerry does not have the qualities of character to be Commander-in-Chief of America’s armed forces. As a man with over 50 combat-related awards in three wars (WWII, Korea and Vietnam), including the Medal of Honor, Col. Day has both the credentials and the well-earned right to question sKerry’s character.

John McCain has famously said questioning sKerry’s honor is “dishonest and dishonorable.” I wonder what he will say now, since Col. Day was his commanding officer in the North Vietnam prison where they were both held prisoner… Will McCain question “Bud” Day’s honor, too?

Just read the entire interview… and go see the ad at (or download the ad and view it). More ads here: Ads page

More Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

In answer to a question about a “litmus test” for judges, in Wednesday’s debate, sKerry essentially answered “yes”—citing Roe v. Wade elliptically—then he went into some of his trademark weirdness (weirder than Bush bringing up the Dred Scott decision last Friday? yes.). Weird? How does his citation of a “50% unemployment rate for black men in NY” relate to a question about appointing judges? Oh. I see. He’s asserting an unjust society, yada, yada, yada…

But what about his “statistic”? According to an Amsterdam News article (“Part of the BlackPressUSA Network”), yes… and no. Statistic almost right, but very, very misleading. (As Mark Twain famously said, there are three kinds of lies, “Lies, damned lies and statistics.”) sKerry’s “50%” is an exaggeration, and he hides the fact that the actual statistic reflects a major decline in unemployment among black men in New York since Bush took office.

“The unemployment rate for Black men in New York City has hit a new low. Nearly one-half of African American men living in the city are jobless, according to a new study released this week. [so far, sKerry’s comment seems to check out, but wait, there’s more!–D]
In the report, “A Crisis in Black Male Employment: Unemployment and Joblessness in New York City, 2003,” the Community Service Society (CSS) of New York reveals that unemployment rose among Black men during the nation’s recent recession and that only 51.8 percent of Black men between the ages of 16 through 64 were employed.
According to the nonprofit organization, this is a dramatic decline of 12.2 percentage points from 2000…”

[emphases added]

Hmmm… taking a page from the serpent in Eden: twist a truth to tell a lie. sKerry was attempting to use the stat as an indicator of an unjust society which he would address by appointing justices who would ameliorate such woes (although the connection was…weird, even for him, in his comments).
“Oh. Dear. Woe am us that such evil should be perpetrated by the ChimpBush: unemployment among black men in New York has declined by 12.2 percent during ChimpBush’s illegitimate reign. That’s certainly something we Kedwards Kids will remedy in a heartbeat by appointing activist judges who will form an affirmative action employment line at the bench to reverse such trends… “
Makes. No. Sense. But it’s the sKerry position, all right. His doom and gloom and “Let’s see every good thing as a bad thing and undo it” approach earns him the Grimma Wormtongue Lifetime Achievement Award for Lies, Damned Lies and Stab-tistics.

More Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

In answer to a question about a “litmus test” for judges, in Wednesday’s debate, sKerry essentially answered “yes”—citing Roe v. Wade elliptically—then he went into some of his trademark weirdness (weirder than Bush bringing up the Dred Scott decision last Friday? yes.). Weird? How does his citation of a “50% unemployment rate for black men in NY” relate to a question about appointing judges? Oh. I see. He’s asserting an unjust society, yada, yada, yada…

But what about his “statistic”? According to an Amsterdam News article (“Part of the BlackPressUSA Network”), yes… and no. Statistic almost right, but very, very misleading. (As Mark Twain famously said, there are three kinds of lies, “Lies, damned lies and statistics.”) sKerry’s “50%” is an exaggeration, and he hides the fact that the actual statistic reflects a major decline in unemployment among black men in New York since Bush took office.

“The unemployment rate for Black men in New York City has hit a new low. Nearly one-half of African American men living in the city are jobless, according to a new study released this week. [so far, sKerry’s comment seems to check out, but wait, there’s more!–D]
In the report, “A Crisis in Black Male Employment: Unemployment and Joblessness in New York City, 2003,” the Community Service Society (CSS) of New York reveals that unemployment rose among Black men during the nation’s recent recession and that only 51.8 percent of Black men between the ages of 16 through 64 were employed.
According to the nonprofit organization, this is a dramatic decline of 12.2 percentage points from 2000…”

[emphases added]

Hmmm… taking a page from the serpent in Eden: twist a truth to tell a lie. sKerry was attempting to use the stat as an indicator of an unjust society which he would address by appointing justices who would ameliorate such woes (although the connection was…weird, even for him, in his comments).
“Oh. Dear. Woe am us that such evil should be perpetrated by the ChimpBush: unemployment among black men in New York has declined by 12.2 percent during ChimpBush’s illegitimate reign. That’s certainly something we Kedwards Kids will remedy in a heartbeat by appointing activist judges who will form an affirmative action employment line at the bench to reverse such trends… “
Makes. No. Sense. But it’s the sKerry position, all right. His doom and gloom and “Let’s see every good thing as a bad thing and undo it” approach earns him the Grimma Wormtongue Lifetime Achievement Award for Lies, Damned Lies and Stab-tistics.