
Before I get to the point of this post, let me state, contra my considered mode of operation, one credential. Years ago, in fact several years before I finished my B.M., in general agreement with my entire Western Civ class (well, at least there were no dissenters) the profs awarded me an honorary degree: my Ph.D.B.S. (yes, a doctorate in bovine scatology) for my accomplishments in the field of bullshitting. (Well, why not? The class was predominantly discussion of readings and essay exams. An ideal fit for my natural talents.)

Since that day, I have honed my skills in the field through post-doctoral work stroking professors on the way to a couple of other degrees (one, the aforementioned B.M.); stroking bosses who couldn’t find their own buttocks with a map, a flashlight and a guide; talking to politicians in their native tongue; in insurance sales; etc. In fact, it seems every good thing (including bamboozling my wife into marrying me and sticking around) has resulted either from divine intervention or a liberal application of bullshitting.

IOW, I have all the experience I need to recognize bull shit when I hear it.

And that brings me to my point. Jean Fraud sKerry is widely touted by his minions and by mass media podpeople (but I repeat myself, as M.T. said of idiots and congressmen*…) as having a great intellect, of being able to percieve and deal with the complexities of the modern world. But as I listen to sKerry’s “nuanced” comments, all i hear is hot air, liberally punctuated by flat-out lies, as well as less than adoit bullshit.

That’s right. It’s my assertion that not only is sKerry not all that bright but that his dimness is hid from other useful idiots not only by many highly transparent lies but by some rather poor bullshitting.. Good bullshit has an internal consistency that will cause even the most observant person to believe—if only momentarily, or until they check— that what is being said is at least plausible, instead of, as with sKerry’s pronouncements, resulting in only the most gullible swallowing the whole pig.

And this is yet another thing I find offensive about Monsieur Jean Fraud sKerry: he even gives bullshit a bad rap.

The M.T. comment mentioned earlier:

*”Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself”. –Mark Twain

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