Hivemind Memory Hole

The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind loves to deride people with honest questions about The Zero, labeling them “birthers” and excoriating them as being racists.

But that’s not. What about “then”?

Yep. The Hivemind’s got some ‘splainin’ to do… “Fact-checking error” for well over a decade and a half? In materials approved by The Zero himself?

I guess I am a “birther” then, since I want some verifiable documentary evidence of The Zero’s background. I dunno… maybe some things like other folks who aspired to and achieved the office actually produced when questions, lime Chester A. Arthur’s proof of his native born citizenship (I must be a racist for bringing up another president whose native born citizenship was questioned, eh?) or the college records of G.W. Bush or even Jean Fraud sKerry…

So, how about it Barry? Since you fail E-Verify, how about providing some real documentary evidence to back up your current narrative?

A real birth certificate (I got an actual photostatic duplicate copy of mine just last year: easy-peasy).
Occidental College records?
Columbia College records?
Columbia Thesis paper?
Harvard College records?
Selective Service Registration?
How about a legitimate SSN?

Seriously, Barry, just put all these nasty inconsistencies to rest by opening your records to public scrutiny. After all, you have nothing to hide, do you?

BTW, Barry, have you updated your wife as to your latest narrative? Referring to you in December of 2007, she said,

“What it reminded me of was our trip to Africa, two years ago, and the level of excitement that we felt in that country – the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama – a Kenyan… “

So, she still thought in 2007 that you were a KENYAN? CLarify please. No, not spin and lie, just the facts, Barry.

Lowest Common Denominator

IOW: crap. That’s the “standard” of English taught by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind to those who sup its toxic waste. Take this piece of ungrammatical stupidity taken from an otherwise innocuous piece of fluff about a woman who found a 17 gram piece of a meteorite:

“That gem from outer space was found at the Lotus park where Brenda, her kids and her collie come to [sic] nearly every day.”


Continue reading “Lowest Common Denominator”

I Have Your Answer Right Here

A commenter at Politico said the following in response to a Santorum ad:

“Seriously, do we honestly believe that the President of the United States is a traitor, a domestic enemy, and doesn’t love our country?”

Well, yes. Yes I do. In fact, calling The Zero “a traitor, a domestic enemy… [who] doesn’t love our country” is tame, IMO. I’d add “Lying S.O.B. piece of usurping trash” to the list.

Here’s the video that has Obamabots and (redundancy alert) Mass MEdia Podpeople in an uproar. Tame by comparison to what Obamaville is aimed to “accomplish”–the utter ruin of the USA.

Note: Obamaville can be averted without actually defeating The Zero in his re-election bid by sensible voting on lower races–Senate, House and even State and local races. A real defeat of the Obamaville scenario would be greatly furthered by a sweep from the top down, though. And the WH does need a powerful dose of political bleach to remove the stench of commie-tainted socialism (as if the extreme degree of socialist stench The Zero emits weren’t bad enough by itself).

Further note: Santorum is still toast, as far as I’m concerned. Even in the face of the Romney communication director’s gaffe (is “communication director” better spelled “commie director”? *heh*), Santorum’s weakly-detracted “Romney=Obama” equation disqualifies him based on its demonstration that he’s really too dumb for words.

“Balance” from the Hivemind

So, the usual Hivemind and barking mad leftards are in an uproar for the blowhard Limbaugh’s characterization of a confessed libertine as a “slut”.

“slut: noun an immoral or dissolute woman”

Seems fair. In my opinion, it closely resembles (closely resembles” as in “seems to be a perfect fit for”) Sandra Fluke’s own confession of her “need” to have a Roman Catholic educational institution finance the means for her to have “protected” sex when, where and however she pleases with whatever (and however many) partners she can get to have sex with her.

Seems like she confessed to at the very least “needing” to engage in sluttish behavior to me.

So what’s the problem? It’s “discourteous” or “ungentlemanly” or some such thing according to standards rejected by the Hivemind and associated barking mad leftards? Not as applied to their own speech standards which approve of publicly voicing rape fantasies and worse about such people as Sarah Palin and Laura Ingraham, while calling them by much, much more vulgar, even obscene, terms.

Of course that’s the problem. Their “standards” are simply this: “We can say and do anything we damned well please, and anyone who disagrees with us can say only what we allow them to.” If that were not the case, then Hivemind members like Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Mike Malloy and a rogue’s gallery of others would have been tarred, feathered and run out of the business long ago. Sample a little typical “rational” and “civil” discourse from the Hivemind’s Malloy, as but one small example of thousands:

Get that. Malloly celebrates the deaths of tornado victims and mocks religious beliefs he deems to be held by people in the so-called “Bible Belt”–which happens, in his tirade, to coincide with the locations of most of those killed by recent tornadoes.

Typical of the nasty, hate-filled, hate-spewing leftard Hivemind. In fact, it’s so normative that people are largely inured to it, it seems, and simply accept their hate-filled spew as normal speech. Have someone push back with an accurate description of an anointed, manufactured hero/ine of the Hivemind, though, and there will be hell to pay, as the blowhard Limbaugh discovered.

BTW, Rush Limbaugh a “blowhard”? Yep. Anyone who will apologize for simply speaking what would seem to the truth to any rational observer is a blowhard.

Suspension of Belief

Good fiction–written or portrayed on film or stage–requires suspension of disbelief, but that, in turn, requires an at least minimal amount of competence from writers, editors, directors and actors in order that an intelligent and reasonably literate audience not be offended into rejection of the fiction the putative artists are attempting to portray.

It’s usually the little things. In dramatic performances, props and settings don’t have to depict things in meticulous detail in order to be believable within a story’s framework, but such things should at least evoke a credible representation of places and things that advance a story. Items evoking a late 1950s setting should not dominate a late 1960s plot line, for example, and in film, closeups of patently fake stage blood or grossly incongruous weather and lighting, etc., are distractions that any director with half a brain ought to avoid.

So, too, are problems with actors portraying behaviors that their characters engage in daily, routinely–behaviors, “business” in acting terms, that the characters are supposedly competent to perform–and botching the action, sometimes almost too clumsily for words. *sigh* And actors portraying certain professional acts incompetently are complete turn-offs for anyone with even minimal knowledge of competent performance of those actions. My “favorite” is idiots making a hash of portraying music conductors. In fact, in a lifetime of viewing dramatic fiction, I have seen actors portraying the conducting of musical performances do a credible job just twice. The rest of the time the portrayals range from simply stupid and incompetent to offensive.

In written fiction, one of the surest signs of a writer whose characters are little more than babbling descriptions by a blind man of faded shadows of statues based on paintings made from blurred photos of reflections in a carnival mirror is when the writer tries to create a character by listing the things that character owns–usually invoking some currently trendy brands of whatever objects the writer associates with the sort of person the writer thinks he’s trying to evoke. Usually wrongly.

Of course these kinds of things are common in most fiction nowadays, so finding anything contemporary that at least minimizes these sorts of distractions is a Good Thing.

But at least I’m not dealing here with the even more poorly-depicted fiction in newspapers and network news. That’s even worse.

A brief addendum. I’ve mentioned the Brit mystery show I’ve been watching. I’m currently in season seven (of fifteen), and although I still enjoy the incidental instrumental music a great deal and the scenery and sets just as much, one thing has become increasingly grating: the murders. Almost every one of the persons murdered in the stories has been a complete idiot, characters intent on lending Darwin a hand in weeding the gene pool, as it were (though an unfortunate number are portrayed as having reproduced before their stupidity eliminates them).

I’ll let one typical “victim” stand in as a proxy for almost all the rest. After bludgeoning one cooperative soul to death with a handy cudgel, the murderer continues to stand over the body of his complicit victim. As he’s standing there, another useful idiot approaches and says, “What have you done?!?” and very helpfully kneels over the body as if to say, “Me! Me! Kill me next, please!”

Of course, the murderer obliges.


How many idiotic characters will the writers dispose of before the show ends? The answer: both too many and not enough… No wonder the British Empire is no more. 😉 But… given that the show is still so much better than the fare that attracts viewers in droves on American TV, perhaps that indicates something about an inevitable decline of American society and even–maybe–America’s place on the world’s stage, as well.

Major British “News” Outlet: Innumerate

(Found here.)

But then, they’re not really all that different from (or, British usage: “to”) their Hivemind clones on this side of the pond. Caption on a pic of the location of a bar included this lil illiterate comment:

“…An online poll in the local Brescia newspaper asked readers what their opinion was and the majority, 46%, said… ”

Get that: 46% is a majority?


Update: a mostly British usage allows using “majority” in a very loose sense to mean “the largest number” of [whatever]. So, I suppose to a typical British Podperson and its audience, since 54% of respondents to the survey said somethings else, but the response the Podperson labeled as a “majority” was the single largest response of a number of responses, the Podperson decided to call a plurality “the majority”.

No wonder they lost the Empire.

Ignorant, Stupid or Just Plain Liars?

Over and over and over again, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind utters completely false (or torturously-deniable?) statements simply because the lies agree with the Hivemind narrative on a topic. The example that spurred this particular gripe?

“…hydrofracking, a relatively new process of extracting natural gas by breaking up rock with pressurized water…”

See? It all depends on what the writer can later claim was meant by “relatively new”. In terms of the typical lifespan of Americans or the average readership/audience of Hivemind organs, “relatively recent” is an outright lie, since it’s been a commonplace oil-and-gas-field technique for over 60 years, just another tool in the toolbag of oil and gas developers. Heck, I* can recall conversations on the topic with friends, acquaintances and clients in the oil industry 30 years ago, myself.

Now, of course the lying scumbags (I almost typoed “scumbarfs” *heh*) in the Hivemind pushing this “relatively recent” meme can always say they mean relatively new in human history (or geological time frames or whatever) in order to deny it’s a lie, but then they’ll just lie about something else, as well.

“Relatively new process” MHWA…

But hey. This sort of easily refuted lie is just common fare with the Hivemind, and the illiterate, aliterate, self-lobotomized sheeple just eat this toxic waste up with a spoon and then say, “Please, may I have more?”

Why I Don’t Trust the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, #2,386,562

N.B,–not providing links. If you can’t manage to get to the Drudge Report on your own then there’s no hope for you. 🙂

Drudge headliner:

Expand the graphic (just CLICK on it) to also view the link text in the upper left hand corner that reads, “SOLDIERS STRIP, STOMP WOMEN…”

Now, Matt Drudge is pretty much THE editor for internet news conglomeration and generally shows the most balanced, eclectic offering from all points of view. As such, he’s several orders of magnitude more “fair and balanced” than FoxABCNBCCBSMSNCCNN, etc. But I still think he misses the boat on this one.

First, look carefully at the picture, or better yet, this larger version (again, CLICK to expand):

Now, I’m not disagreeing with the characterization offered by the widely-proffered terms, “brutal” and even perhaps “vicious” but the “reports” offer mostly editorializing and downplay the context to the point that no one reading the linked articles can have any way of telling what the women featured in the photos were really doing prior to the sob sister photos. One report has women “beaten” with “poles” when all I could see were standard (for many police and security forces in that part of the world) batons. And the primary Drudge link to the story “Brave women of the Middle east… ” etc., has its lede culminate with, “a man kicks her with full force in her exposed chest.”

I look at that picture and don’t see a man kicking the woman “with full force in her exposed chest.” Indeed, the person preparing the kick/stomp in that photo appears could actually be a woman wearing non-standard garb that shares only the headgear with the men in uniform dragging the woman (from where, why?–we don’t know because the story doesn’t provide that context). Since every other person in every photo I’ve seen of the events (this and other) who is supposedly a member of the military is obviously a man and in uniform, I honestly do not know what to make of what appears to be a woman out of uniform (but in an odd combination of lilac tennies, non-standard cammo and some sort of vest that doesn’t match the other uniformed persons standing around), wearing only one piece of gear that looks similar to the soldiers’ gear… being labeled as one of the soldiers and as a man.

There were other photos that were less ambiguous (though still presented out of context with inflammatory language captions), which is one reason the anomalies are so glaring in this one.

Why use this photo and caption and comment on it with such inflammatory language, while completely ignoring the anomalies and glossing over or completely eliminating the context? Because it fits the narrative the Hivemind wants to present.

Was army response brutal? Well, duh. Armies are for breaking things and killing people. Was it inappropriate? From the information provided (and yes, I watched the video at the end of the main link from Drudge), there’s no way for any honest, thinking person to be able to tell. At least the “horrors” *cough* shown in the photos and video were extremely mild for an Islamic culture.

Skepticism whenever exposed to the Hivemind is not just healthy, it’s become an essential survival response, IMO.

At Least It Wasn’t On “Black Friday”

Aside from the “reporter’s” lack of ability to write plain English*, this is, well, I’ll let y’all decide just what it is:

Woman Caught Making Meth Inside S. Tulsa Walmart

* “…lack of ability to write plain English”? Well, the whole thing is written on about a sixth grader’s prose level, but “Police say surveillance video shows Halfmoon had been in the store since noon. Six hours later security noticed she was acting suspicious [sic], so they called Tulsa Police.” *gag*

Laying aside the other content (SIX HOURS LATER “security” noticed something wonky?), “security noticed she was acting suspicious” indicates, as parsed in standard English, that SHE was suspicious of something. What the subliterate moron who penned the line means, though, is that “she was acting suspiciousLY” (“was acting” modified by the adverb “suspiciously” not the adjective, “suspicious”).

And then there’s that whole “time out of joint” thing with tenses in the lede. “Tulsa police arrest a woman for mixing chemicals to make meth inside a south Tulsa Walmart on Thursday.” No, dumbass, past tense: arrested.

So, we have a report of someone attempting to manufacture meth IN a WallyWorld written by an unethical subliterate who is apparently paid to write prose that negatively influences the literacy of others. A _professional_ taking money for doing substandard work like this is, IMO, a thief. Both persons should be jailed. Maybe they could share a cell. And some drugs.

I Had An Affair With Herman Cain!

From 1986 to 1996, Herman Cain and I had an ongoing affair. Over many dozens of encounters, Herman made me pizzas, even bringing them to my home, a sure sign of his devotion.

Oh, wait. You say he was chairman of Godfather’s Pizza? Hmmm, perhaps our relationship wasn’t as close as I thought. And on second thought, the Domino’s guys who delivered didn’t really look all that much like Cain, either.

Darn. In the current Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Cain bashing kerfuffle, “I coulda been a contenda.”

Oh, well. At least my claim is more believable than that from Cain’s latest accuser. As Ann Coulter put it,

Gennifer Flowers produced taped telephone calls with Clinton totaling thousands of words between them, with him counseling her on how to deny their affair: “If they ever hit you with it, just say no, and go on. There’s nothing they can do … But when they — if somebody contacts you, I need to know … All you got to do is deny it.”

Paula Jones had multiple same-day witnesses — including the state troopers who worked for Clinton and had already told the press about a “Paula” they brought to Clinton’s hotel room. And that was for a single incident.

Monica Lewinsky had lots of gifts from Clinton, including a hat pin, two brooches, a marble bear figurine, a T-shirt from Martha’s Vineyard and Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass,” all of which she mysteriously placed with Clinton’s secretary, Betty Currie, during the investigation, as well as a semen-stained dress, which Monica kept.

Ginger White claims she had a 13-year affair with Cain — and all she has are two books with inscriptions that could have been written to an auto mechanic who waited in line at a Cain book signing. Even her business partner during the alleged affair says White never mentioned Cain’s name.

These women are like triple-A ball players with the stats being: number of bankruptcies, smallest bank account, number of liens, most false claims, number of children out of wedlock, degrees of separation from David Axelrod, total trips to human resources and so on.

OK, Ann, no need to spike the ball.