Ignorant, Stupid or Just Plain Liars?

Over and over and over again, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind utters completely false (or torturously-deniable?) statements simply because the lies agree with the Hivemind narrative on a topic. The example that spurred this particular gripe?

“…hydrofracking, a relatively new process of extracting natural gas by breaking up rock with pressurized water…”

See? It all depends on what the writer can later claim was meant by “relatively new”. In terms of the typical lifespan of Americans or the average readership/audience of Hivemind organs, “relatively recent” is an outright lie, since it’s been a commonplace oil-and-gas-field technique for over 60 years, just another tool in the toolbag of oil and gas developers. Heck, I* can recall conversations on the topic with friends, acquaintances and clients in the oil industry 30 years ago, myself.

Now, of course the lying scumbags (I almost typoed “scumbarfs” *heh*) in the Hivemind pushing this “relatively recent” meme can always say they mean relatively new in human history (or geological time frames or whatever) in order to deny it’s a lie, but then they’ll just lie about something else, as well.

“Relatively new process” MHWA…

But hey. This sort of easily refuted lie is just common fare with the Hivemind, and the illiterate, aliterate, self-lobotomized sheeple just eat this toxic waste up with a spoon and then say, “Please, may I have more?”

3 Replies to “Ignorant, Stupid or Just Plain Liars?”

  1. Or the people reporting it may simply believe it to be “relatively new” because until somebody decided that it might be responsible for “flammable water” in a shlockumentary they hadn’t heard of it and were simply too lazy to bother with the research.

    1. Perri: It’s an option, but isn’t that covered under “ignorant” and “stupid”? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Kat: Nah, I left that as an exercise for the reader. *heh* Of course, the liars are often deliberately “ignorant” as a result of their stupidity…

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