I Have Your Answer Right Here

A commenter at Politico said the following in response to a Santorum ad:

“Seriously, do we honestly believe that the President of the United States is a traitor, a domestic enemy, and doesn’t love our country?”

Well, yes. Yes I do. In fact, calling The Zero “a traitor, a domestic enemy… [who] doesn’t love our country” is tame, IMO. I’d add “Lying S.O.B. piece of usurping trash” to the list.

Here’s the video that has Obamabots and (redundancy alert) Mass MEdia Podpeople in an uproar. Tame by comparison to what Obamaville is aimed to “accomplish”–the utter ruin of the USA.


Note: Obamaville can be averted without actually defeating The Zero in his re-election bid by sensible voting on lower races–Senate, House and even State and local races. A real defeat of the Obamaville scenario would be greatly furthered by a sweep from the top down, though. And the WH does need a powerful dose of political bleach to remove the stench of commie-tainted socialism (as if the extreme degree of socialist stench The Zero emits weren’t bad enough by itself).

Further note: Santorum is still toast, as far as I’m concerned. Even in the face of the Romney communication director’s gaffe (is “communication director” better spelled “commie director”? *heh*), Santorum’s weakly-detracted “Romney=Obama” equation disqualifies him based on its demonstration that he’s really too dumb for words.

4 Replies to “I Have Your Answer Right Here”

  1. Thank you; I’ve been saying this for some time. Obama’s primary goal is to destroy any vestige of America’s ties to our founding concepts of individual liberty.

    1. YW, TF. I recall saying back during the runup to the 08 Dhimicrappic Convention that I’d prefer The Hildebeast to The Obamassiah because

      1. She was less radically commie/socialist and
      2. She was already distrusted and disliked by her “colleagues” in Congress (making selling her socialist agenda harder)
      3. At least was politician enough to “triangulate” to slightly less toxic positions when necessary
      4. She wouldn’t be able to use (as has The Zero and as have his proxies) a fake accusation of “racism” to stifle opposition and jam her programs down folks’ throats

      She’s still a slimy piece of trash, but–like Romney–stinks (stank, stunk) less than The Zero.

  2. I still have a hard time believing anyone who calls themselves an American would vote for either of them. It shows how far down the path of socialism our nation and many of its people have gone. So many don’t care how much damage is being done by all the entitlement programs as long as they “get theirs”; so much for being responsible citizens with a common goal to be people of good character willing to follow the teachings of Christ as our Founders admonished us.

    1. Oh, I quite agree with your sentiment, TF. My comment about The Hildebeast vs. The Zero was more about which devil* had the ability to do the most damage.

      devil, from “diabolos” which meant, as used in the NT, “traducer, false accuser, slanderer, malicious liar”–all terms that are applicable not only to The Hildebeast and The Zero but to many, if not an overwhelming majority, of politicians *gag-spew* nowadays.

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