Major British “News” Outlet: Innumerate

(Found here.)

But then, they’re not really all that different from (or, British usage: “to”) their Hivemind clones on this side of the pond. Caption on a pic of the location of a bar included this lil illiterate comment:

“…An online poll in the local Brescia newspaper asked readers what their opinion was and the majority, 46%, said… ”

Get that: 46% is a majority?


Update: a mostly British usage allows using “majority” in a very loose sense to mean “the largest number” of [whatever]. So, I suppose to a typical British Podperson and its audience, since 54% of respondents to the survey said somethings else, but the response the Podperson labeled as a “majority” was the single largest response of a number of responses, the Podperson decided to call a plurality “the majority”.

No wonder they lost the Empire.

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