Christie for President?

Maybe it’s time for anorexic politicians to be pushed out of national politics?

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his “confrontational tone”.

“Now, I could say it really nicely. I could say it in the way that you all might be more comfortable with. Maybe we could go back to the last administration where I could say it in a way you wouldn’t even understand it. . . . When you ask me questions, I’m going to answer them directly, straightly, bluntly, and nobody in New Jersey is going to have to wonder where I am on an issue. . . .”

We need more of this from politicians *spit* in general. No more bullshit.

3 Replies to “Christie for President?”

    1. Indeed, TF. I find it encouraging that this example of straight talk is as a consequence of a Mass Media Podperson taking exception to Christie’s actions. *heh*

  1. I love this clip. I only hope he continues to put his money where his mouth is. If he does, I’d vote for him for just about anything.

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